Sunday, April 8, 2012

Announcements 4.8.12

 Today's announcements will cover:

  • Highlights of our DS II raid on Saturday 9th, 2012
  • Promotions, particularly the Altocumulus rank
  • A few methods in how we help guildies get geared, especially through the Guild Keep ticket system
  • Perpetual expansion
  • A new easy way to get Perpetual denarii
  • Perpetual Census

Thanks to all that showed up for our DS raid last night. For those that signed up and couldn't make it, no worries. We understand that real life gets in the way and we will never hold it against you. Also, I want everyone to know that we are willing to wait ten minutes for those that sign up for a raid and aren't present at raid start time. We will then take any extra guildies signed up or ask in guild chat.

Before I go over the highlights of our raid, I will list our raid composition from last night:

Tidesroyale ~ Tank
Hidytwo ~ Tank
Mirandah ~ Tank Heals
Shamoobs ~ Tank Heals
Bumber ~ Raid Heals
Andaph ~ Ranged Deeps
Terrapin ~ Ranged Deeps
Wozzbie ~ Melee Deeps
Tilli ~ Melee Deeps
Ribsandwich ~ Melee Deeps
Xynapses ~ Ranged Deeps (replaced Joe)

Special thanks to Chris for plunking two cauldrons and Bumber for almost 20 Seafood Magnifique Feasts. Also, thank you Wozzbie for being prompt with the much needed battle rezzes. Mira and Mattie, thanks heaps for putting up with your clumsy tanks. Thank you everyone for your great effort in last night's raid.

DS II Raid Highlights:

• Ultraxion downed after 15 goes

This was our first attempt ever at Ultraxion. It's a very unforgiving fight. Many of us (myself included) were having trouble with Heroic Will timing. Either we were too early or too late in activating the ability. No worries. After having been in the encounter and experiencing the pressure, practice will help us improve. I have a team-building idea that will help us practice timing for Heroic Will. I shall schedule it as a guild event sometime this week.

• Funny moment. After finally killing Ultraxion, I turn around and the entire guild is dead! A very sloppy first kill indeed. Oi, who doesn't love sloppy joes? Nom nom. We'll do better next time.

• Drops. Foremost, we decided that in order to help our rouges obtain their legendary daggers faster (each need 300), we will let Ribsandwich collect all 300 Elementium Gem Cluster first, followed by Tilli. If there is a raid where Ribsandwich isn't present, Tilli will take priority over any other rogues in raid. Bumber won new intellect mail shoulders: Imperfect Specimens 27 and 28, after which he gave to Shamoobs. Nice! I won the Chest of Corrupted Conquerer token and Mira won an Essence of Destruction.

No raid lock extension for next week. We decided together that it would help to get more gear for our guildies if we allow Dragon Soul to reset so we can take on all bosses we know well already before attempting Warmaster Blackhorn.

I've scheduled DS and Firelands raids on the guild calendar so be sure to sign up for the raid nights that work for you. If anyone is interested in transmogrification runs, let an officer know or ask in ventrilo and we can schedule one in the calendar or on the spot if there are enough guildies online.


We started ranking up several of the guildies. Thank you all for making an effort to get to know each other. I was stoked to find out you all did an Ulduar transmog run two nights ago without me. It makes me proud knowing you're all starting to foster genuine camaraderie within our guild. A couple of you have been promoted to Altocumulus rank. Congratulations! This is our designated normal progression rank. In the future, we will add a heroic progression rank. You have been promoted to Altocumulus because you show an effort in keeping your gear modifications up to par with and you have shown a vested interest in raiding with Perpetual. Along with this rank comes responsibility. No more raid checkups, we expect and trust that you will continue to keep your gear up to date with the the robot. You will also receive a comfortable increase in daily repair allowances. If you have not yet been promoted to Altocumulus rank, it is simply because you were not online a bit after our DS raid and did not get to meet with me. If interested, whisper Tides. We sincerely wish to have more guildies in the Altocumulus rank! It is in no way a core raiding team rank. It is simply our way of knowing who is geared for DS raids and on top of that, people we can trust to keep their gear optimized for raiding on a weekly basis, specifically through the tool. For more information on our special guild ranking system and our raiding requirements, please refer to the appropriate blog posts.

 More Ways We Help Gear Guildies

As for enchants and gems, do your best to gather mats and then see a maxed guildie so you don't have to worry about expensive costs at the auction house. Tides is maxed in both jewel crafting and enchanting as well as tailoring and leather working.

One awesome way we like to help our guildies is by means of Justice Points and Valor Points bind-on-equip bracers or boots. If you see something you need, write a message to an officer including your name and the exact name of the gear you need and they will make a copy of your message and deposit it into the Plunder tab of the Guild Keep. Anyone willing to donate JP or VP can then take this ticket and purchase your gear. You can read more about the Guild Keep in the appropriate post.

Perpetual Expansion

You may have noticed already, our guild is growing. We now have slightly more than ten guildies that are geared for DS raids. We will start recruiting more until we can build a second raiding team. We could really use tanks and deepsers (especially melee) for our second raid team. The raid times and days may be different for the second raid team. I understand many of us are two hours ahead of server time. Keep an eye out for people you think would make friendly, mature additions to our family.

 Another Way to Receive Perpetual Denarii

The denarius is our guild's form of currency.  For now, we use it to override the Trade Pass Equivalency Charts that govern all transactions done through the Trade Pass tab in the Guild Keep as well as used to purchase exceptionally rare loot found in the Plunder tab.  I am considering implementing a system in the future in which denarii can be used to bid on/purchase Conqueror's Tokens (chest, shoulders, etc.) that drop in heroic raids.  To find out more about the Perpetual Denarius, please refer to the appropriate blog.  You automatically receive denarii for attending guild meetings, team-building exercises and raids.  However, a new way in which you can earn denarii is by reading the guild blog!  That's right, simply reading the guild blog can earn you an easy denarius.  There is a catch, however.  It won't happen with every blog, but randomly I'll insert a spontaneous, bogus word into the blog somewhere that is completely irrelevant to the blog topic.  I won't highlight it either, so it's hard to catch.  Upon finding this word, you must either email Tides at or send him an in-game message within two days of the date the blog was posted.  Any messages after two days will not earn you a denarius.  You can learn more about our guild currency by reading the Perpetual Macella blog post.

 Perpetual Census

We need to do a census right now because many people are putting their alts in our guild.  In order to help us get to know you better and so we can keep track of who's alt belongs to who (this will help greatly especially when you are promoted as well as when we are giving you denarii), please send an in-game message to Tides including your first name/nick name you'd like us to call you in ventrilo and guild chat followed by a list of all your characters in our guild.  Your help in contributing to the organization of our guild is greatly appreciated.

One more important announcement. Our guild transmog contest ends Saturday 12th of May! Refer to the post to find out more. Other than that, we've received a few more new guild recruits. Be sure to check out the resources made available to you on our guild blog, or if you invited your mates into the guild, please remind them to read the guild blog daily for announcements. Thank you all and enjoy your Easter Sunday with your loved ones. Cheers!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Guild Contest: Gold Rush

I am excited to tell you about our first guild contest on this server.  We've had many great guild contests on our former server (you can check our former guild blog, LOSTies) and I'm expecting that we carry on our tradition in our new home.  Our first guild contest on Lightbringer will be titled Gold Rush Runway.  It will be  a transmogrification contest with the theme of gold and one other color of your choice.  There are so many possibilities, from gear, mounts pets, shirts or gowns, even the name of jewelry––be creative!  We are giving you ample time to go out there and scour the auction houses for golden transmog gear and delve into dungeons in search of what you deem rare and beautiful.  The contest is set to end on Saturday, May 12th at 5pm.  On that evening we will get the guild together for a runway exhibition and we will all watch contestants walk down the runway and flaunt their designs.  Listed below are the contest rules and the prizes to be won.

Contest Rules

1)  Anyone except for officers can enter the contest.  We need the officers to be judges!

2)  Your transmog gear must consist of gold and ONE other color.  Let's keep it simple.  Two colors is better, but if you feel you found one or two pieces that fall outside of the required gold and one other color, it is fine.  We just don't want a whole mess of colors to distract away from the gold and one other color theme.

3)  Contest ends Saturday, May 12th at 5pm, but well before that, at least the night before Saturday, make sure you send a screen shot of your character in transmog gear to

Contest Prizes

Grand Prize:  Heart of the Aspects mount or your choice of any other Blizzard online store mount or x2  online pets of your choice

Second Prize:  x1 Blizzard online pet of your choice

Third Prize:  500 gold

That's all there is to it.  Good luck everyone.  Let the gold rush begin!

How To Ask Mr. Robot

Raid checkups are required for those interested in joining us for raids.  A raid checkup will consist of an officer pulling you up on WoW armory and on, asking you a few random test questions on the boss fights for the raid we will be doing, and if you are a deepser you will undergo a five minute dummy trial.  In this post I will explain the basics of using the robot to help optomize your current gear set for raiding.  Please follow these steps so that we can make your raid checkup go faster.

1)  Sign into WoW first and load your main talent spec build and equip your main spec gear set.  Then sign out of the game (you don't have to completely exit).

2)  Go to and under the gear optimizer for Cataclysm, look up your character.  In the gear optimizer screen, click on the green double arrows icon "Reload" to refresh your character's gear on the website.

3)  First thing to do here is to look at the top center of the menu, where it says "Choose a gearing strategy" in tiny blue font.  You want to make sure that whatever strategy is located beneath it is indeed a raiding or PVE (player verse environment) gearing strategy and not a PVP (player verse player) gearing strategy.  For instance my gearing strategy as a protection paladin tank is PvE: Avoidance Cap, Stamina.  If the gearing strategy they have preset for you is wrong, then click on it and you will be brought to a new screen.  Under the "Options" drop down menu at the top, you have a choice between "Raiding," "5 Man Dungeon" and "PvP."  Choose "Raiding" and your list of gearing strategies will change to raiding options below on the right-hand side.  Choose the gearing strategy that works best for you for raiding, then click the green wrench and screwdriver icon "Apply" at the top to confirm your gearing strategy and be brought back to the gear optimizer menu.

4)  Once there, click on the orange gear icon "Change" at the top.  

5)  Under Gem/Enchant/Consumable Options list, find "Use epic gems in", click on the drop-down menu and select "Nothing."  The reason for this is because I know not everyone has all their gear slots filled with ilvl 397 items, so I don't expect you to spend an outrageous amount of gold paying for epic Patch 4.3 gems to gem gear that you will be replacing soon.  

6)  Now make sure to also put a check mark to the left of "Exclude run speed enchants" and be sure to use a more useful enchant such as the +50 mastery boots enchant.

7)  We're finished in this menu, so click on the green wrench and screwdriver icon "Apply" to return to the optimization screen.

8)  On the left-hand side, you'll find your current equipped gear.  On the right-hand side you'll find your current gems, enchants and reforges that you have so far.  Everything that is highlighted in orange is something that needs to be changed in order to optimize your character for raids.  Click on the big "Optimize!" button.

9)  Everything highlighted in green are changes suggested by askmrrobot (based off in order to fully optomize your current equipped gear for raids.  

10)  Once you finish the changes suggested, sign off WoW again and go back to and click on the "Reload" button again to make sure you have made all the correct changes.  If you are fully optimized then you are raid-ready!

I understand enchants are bloody expensive, so find out what mats you need, gather them and speak with Tides to get a free enchant or find out if there are any other maxed guild enchanters online.  Once again, our guild's raiding requirements can be found in our Perpetual Raiding Requirements blog post.