Saturday, December 29, 2012

Perpetual 2012 Scavenger Hunt Contest

Perpetual Guild Holiday Scavenger Hunt 2012

  • A Glass of Eversong Wine
  • One Winter Kimchi
  • One Eggnog
  • One Gingerbread Cookie
  • One Big Berry Pie
  • One Honeyed Holiday Ham
  • A Sheet of Blue Ribboned Wrapping Paper (The one with the blue and white icon, not from holiday vendors!)
  • Bright Baubles (One)
  • One Snowball
  • One (lump of) Coal
  • One Handful of Snowflakes
  • Two Front Teeth (Any teeth will do, but no fangs please!)
  • A Snow Cub
  • A Ruby Sapling
  • A Reindeer Mount
  • A Holiday Colored Transmog Set (Red, Green, Blue, White, Silver and/or Gold)

Tyressa (Venassa):  Back in the days before Lordaeron fell; before the Crown Prince became King of the undead he had a gallant steed fit for any knight. But, alas! Invincible did not live up to his name, and the prince and his mount were parted. Come find me where the two met again; this time forever joined in undeath.
Friera (Hementia):  Nestled within frosty mountains lies a pocket of madness. Inside are the turned guardians of the mountains: Guardian of winter; Guardian of innovation; Guardian of life; Guardian of thunder… After your descent to madness lies an Old God. Come! Let me see the spoils of winter revelry outside the entrance to your nightmare!

Friday, December 21, 2012

Upcoming Perpetual Holiday Festivities

Formerly known as LOSTies, our guild Christmas photo from last year.

Season's greetings, Perpetualeans! Our guild has been in existence for over five years now and every Christmas we take part in many traditions to show each other just how much we appreciate the family we have made for ourselves in the digital World of Warcraft.  Throughout the year we hold contests and Christmas is the best time of year to do so.  This year's Christmas contest has been organized by our officers Eric and Crystin, and will take place on the evening of Saturday 29th, 2012.  It will be a scavenger hunt race and the first place prize is your choice of mount from the online Blizzard store.  The second place prize will be your choice of pet from the online Blizzard store, and third place prize will be 1K gold and an in-game companion pet from Crystin.  Aside from the Christmas Scavenger Hunt Race, we will partake in other Perpetual holiday traditions listed below:

  Perpetual Holiday Events

Secret Santa
deadline to submit name for entry:  Friday 21st @ 9pm server time (mail Faldon in-game message your wish list ideas)

actual event:  TBA

Let's all take this opportunity to show each other just how much we appreciate the true sense of camaraderie that's set our guild apart from all others!  There is no minimum amount of gold/time necessary in purchasing/crafting/farming for that perfect gift for whoever you are assigned to be Secret Santa for.  Just be creative!  I trust everyone will be fair in thinking of what to gift their fellow guild mate.  Some ideas might be expensive enchants or a bundle of gems or nice companion pets.  Look up their character on and click the optimize button to find out what they could use for raids.  Another tip:  Gift wrap can be purchased from the goblin holiday vendors in Stormwind's Trade Districe or in front of the Ironforge Bank. 

 If you are interested in joining us for Secret Santa, you must mail Faldon an in-game mail message before the deadline.  Include your name in the message and be sure to greet him a happy holiday!  Faldon has volunteered to help us organize our Secret Santa event.  Be sure to thank him in your message.  Shortly after the deadline, Faldon will mail you the name of who you have been assigned to.  I understand many of us may be traveling or spending time with family in RL, so if you are unable to make the Secret Santa event, you are free to either meet with your guild mate before the event or you can leave the gift with me so they can open it with everyone else at the event.  Merry Chrissie, Perpetualeans!
Christmas Photo Shoot
Evening on Saturday 29th, to precede our Christmas Scavenger Hunt Race Contest
Everyone welcome, the more the merrier!  Let's get as many of the guild mates in on this one so we can get a huge Perpetual Christmas picture!  I will be handing out Red Winter Garb suits and Winter Boots.  If you would like to help, I need all the Wool Cloth, Rugged Leather and Copper Bars I can get and would greatly appreciate any help you could offer!
  Let's make this a professional and great Christmas photo by:
  • removing all gear except for the winter suits and guild tabard
  • dismissing all pets
  • removing the title in your character's name (so we can see everyone's name, only fair)
  • refraining from using magic abilities that will result in an unclear picture
 I'm hoping to submit our Christmas picture for the WoW community site's screenshot of the day feature.  Think of it as a special Christmas gift to me and all your guild mates!
LOSTies "Spirit of Christmas" Contest
deadline for submissions:  Sunday 23rd @ midnight

Who says there isn't any room for competition during the holidays? I welcome it as long as it fosters a true sense of camaraderie and helps bring joy to others!  Your objective in this contest is to travel the World of Warcraft in search of the Christmas Spirit.  Do your best in capturing the Christmas Spirit in ONE screen-shot!  Be creative!  Do you see it in a bustling crowd of players in a city?  Or perhaps it's in the form of a creature?  How about a humble abode with a meager family enjoying Christmas the best they can?  Preferably, try not to include your UI (user interface) in your screen-shot.  Ask guild mates in-game if you're not sure how to hide the interface.  Include a caption with your screen-shot describing what the Christmas spirit means to you.  Email your sumbission to Tides at before the midnight deadline!  Everyone's submissions will be posted onto the guild blog and the winner's submission and caption will be featured!  G'luck and Merry Chrissie, Perpetualeans!
  • 1st prize: 1K gold
  • 2nd prize: 850 gold
  • 3rd prize: 650 gold

Perpetual Scavenger Hunt Rac
evening of Saturday 29th, right after our guild Christmas photo shoot

Attention all Scavenger Hunters!

We will be having a guild holiday scavenger hunt next Saturday, December 29th. There will be amazing prizes, tons of fun, and lots of officer friends to get the festivities going. In the meantime, here is a warm up exercise that also serves as a teaser of what's to come! In order to complete the scavenger hunt you will need to have a holiday colored transmog set. Acceptable colors are red and green, blue and white, silver and gold, and so forth. In the coming days Frieira (Eric) and Kieve/Tyressa (Crystin) will be setting up transmog approval hours to make sure that your set is festive enough for the hunt! We will accept other colors if you can convince US that it represents the holidays to YOU! Sign up, or just whisper one of us to schedule a quick peek at your set. Stay tuned for further updates about the HUNT!  The list of items to hunt for will be posted on the night of the event.
  • 1st prize:  Your choice of mount from the online Blizzard store
  • 2nd prize:  Your choice of companion pet from the online Blizzard store
  • 3rd prize:  1K gold and an in-game companion pet from Crystin

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Perpetual Raid Team Rosters 2013

Important Announcements:

  • * C Team is now recruiting for two more slots! It needs x2 tank healsThis team still needs  an extra time warp/heroism (I'd like for us to be prepared).*
  • Even if you have already been assigned your own raid team slot (from our guild meet on Friday, December 14th 2012), it is absolutely required that you refer to the Perpetual Raid Team Enrollment blog post and read the post in its entirety, paying close attention to the A, B, C & O Team Requirements Affidavit.
  • If you have just been recruited to the guild, you cannot be officially placed on our raid teams until you:
  1. Read the Perpetual Raid Team Enrollment blog post.
  2. Register on our guild community website.
  3. Meet with your assigned officer in ventrilo (no mic required).   
Thank you for your cooperation, your efforts in making sure you meet our raid team requirements are your first steps as a successful raider! Perpetual looks forward to raiding with you.

"Offer me your sword and spells, and I shall bring you victory.  Offer your companionship, and I shall give you loyalty.  Offer your service, and together we shall gain honour. We are Perpetual."
Chris, Mira, and Tides

Refer to the Perpetual Raid Team Enrollment blog post for more information on how to enroll onto any team that has open slots. 

Our raid team rosters are posted at the bottom of this postAs of now, here are some issues:

  • With B Team:  Kieve level 90 hunter is not yet geared for Mogu'shan Vaults.  More importantly, B Team is missing a tank heals.
  • Now that we are in Mists of Pandaria expansion, we need to update our O Team (reserve team).  Anyone who is not able to commit to one raid night a week and would like to raid casually as a backup to to fill any of the missing slots on our A or B teams please consult myself or an officer.
  • If you've alt characters that meet the ilvl 460+ gear requirement and would like to be placed on either C Team or the reserve team, then let myself or an officer know. 

If you do not see your name on any of the team rosters it is because you haven't yet read the Perpetual Raid Team Enrollment blog post nor met with your assigned officer for enrollment.  Please pay attention to the guild message of the day (GMotD), guild community website, and this guild blog.  They are meant to keep you updated on important announcements and offer you tools for raiding.  I have been reminding everyone in guild constantly for  quite some time now.  Also, everyone I've recruited I made sure to tell you that in order to join our raid teams you must have read the Perpetual Raid Team Enrollment blog post to find out how to enroll.  If you would like to get serious about raiding then you need to make a personal effort.  Perpetual is in no way an elitist or hardcore guild, but that does not mean we should be unorganized or lack team building skills.

If you would like to fill an empty slot on any of the teams (A, B, C, and O) then read the Perpetual Raid Team Enrollment post.  For more information about raiding requirements for Perpetual, please read the Perpetual Raiding Requirements post.

If your name appears on the rosters below, congratulations on your assignment and thank you for your team efforts.  Please continue to sign up for your raid nights through the guild calendar in-game otherwise your raid leader will assume you are unavailable that night and will enlist a guildie from the O Team roster.  Looking forward to raiding regularly with you all.  Cheers!

* Note:  I will keep these rosters up to date, talk to any of the officers or myself if changes need to be made and I will reflect them on this post. *