Saturday, August 25, 2012

Shoutout to all our seniors.

I came across this video on Youtube last night and I was moved.  Today's youth don't respect their elders as much as they did a couple generations ago.  Please teach your children, younger siblings and younger relatives to honor and respect their elders and to set aside some quality time to really show them we care.  Back in high school, I volunteered at a care home that my mum worked at.  I made some truly great friends there.  One of my favourites was a retired engineer that built airplanes; his name was Arlie.  We have much to learn from our elders.  I hope you enjoy this video as much as I. 

Friday, August 10, 2012

Perpetual Raid Team Rosters 2012

Refer to the Perpetual Raid Team Enrollment blog post for more information on how to enroll onto any team that has open slots.  Also, as we get more guildies we may form a D Team to be led by a guild officer interested in joining D Team.  The raid nights for D Team may share the same raid days and times as A Team: Thursdays and Saturdays from 6:30 to 9:30 PM server time.  

Posted below are the raid team rosters.  As of now, both A and C Teams are missing slots:

  • A Team is missing one ranged deeps slot.  Also, there is a complication in A Team and it is the fact that there are three guildies wanting to main tank heal and one of them must offer to raid heal because there are no available raid heals in this team.
  • B Team is set.
  • C Team is missing four slots: one tank, two tank heals and one melee deeps.  

If you do not see your name on any of the team rosters it is because you haven't yet read the Perpetual Raid Team Enrollment blog post nor met with your assigned officer for enrollment.  Please pay attention to the guild message of the day (GMotD), guild community website, and this guild blog.  They are meant to keep you updated on important announcements and offer you tools for raiding.  I have been reminding everyone in guild constantly for  quite some time now.  Also, everyone I've recruited I made sure to tell you that in order to join our raid teams you must have read the Perpetual Raid Team Enrollment blog post to find out how to enroll.  If you would like to get serious about raiding then you need to make a personal effort.  Perpetual is in no way an elitist or hardcore guild, but that does not mean we should not be organized or lack team building skills.

If you would like to fill an empty slot on any of the teams (A, B, C, and O) then read the Perpetual Raid Team Enrollment post.  For more information about raiding requirements for Perpetual, please read the Perpetual Raiding Requirements post.

If your name appears on the rosters below, congratulations on your assignment and thank you for your team efforts.  Please continue to sign up for your raid nights through the guild calendar in-game otherwise your raid leader will assume you are unavailable that night and will enlist a guildie from the O Team roster.  Looking forward to raiding regularly with you all.  Cheers.

* Note:  I will keep these rosters up to date, talk to any of the officers or myself if changes need to be made and I will reflect them on this post. *

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Jealous Sky Raid Team Enrollment

 Raid Team Enrollment:  Ongoing


The raid nights for our raid teams have now been established and are as follows:

A Team:  Fridays & Saturdays, 7:00 to 10:00 PM server time        (now recruiting)
B Team:  Thursdays & Sundays, 7:00 to 10:00 PM server time      (now recruiting)    
C Team:  not live                                                    

These raid schedules work for the majority of the guildies because many of us have work, school, and children outside of our digitized world.  With these three raid schedules in mind, please note that:

  • if you have multiple characters that are geared for regular mode Throne of Thunder, you are welcome to join another raid team on their raid night if you are geared for the raid encounters they have scheduled that night and if they have open slots available
I realize that there are guildies that have work schedules that change every week or because of other circumstances have unforeseen obligations that may get in the way of a permanent raid schedule.  Also, at the time of this post and onward, there may be guildies that are geared for regular mode DS or higher but the three teams are already full.  Finally, there are guildies that already have their main characters assigned to either A, B or C Team but have other level 90 characters geared for normal mode ToT.  If you don't think you can commit to both raid nights, or if by the time you are reading this post and the three raid teams are already full, or if you have another level 90 character geared for normal mode Throne of Thunder, then you can sign up for:

O Team:  Either A, B or C Team's raid nights

 O Team is designed to act as the reserves for A, B and C Teams.  That said, you must be geared for at least regular mode ToT to be placed on O Team.  Please realize that although O Team is a reserve team, this does not mean that you will never get to join us for raiding.  Everyone has their real life obligations and not everyone is guaranteed to make every single raid night.

A, B, C & O Team Requirements Affidavit
By signing up for any of the above teams, you give consent to the following:

  • I have read the Jealous Sky Raiding Requirements blog post and I meet ALL requirements.
  • I will register as a member on Jealous Sky's community website.
  • I will continue to keep my gear updated with or make an effort to strategically keep my gear updated (proper gems, enchantments and modifications).
  • If I am not meeting the requirements on a given raid night (i.e. PvP gear or missing enchants, gems or other modifications) then I will understand when I am asked to opt out of a raid so that someone better geared for the raid can join.
  • I will check the guild community website, guild blog, guild calendar, and read the guild message of the day (GMotD) regularly to keep myself informed and up to date.
  • I will inform myself of all boss encounters before raid night and understand that if I don't I may be asked to leave and give my slot to someone that took the time to inform themselves on the fights.
  • I will take part in and preserve a friendly, chill, fun and respectful raid environment that fosters camaraderie and encourages team-building.
  • I will regularly sign up for my scheduled raid night even if I'm already entitled to a designated slot, otherwise my raid team leader will give my slot to someone from the O Team for that night.
  • If I am an O Team member, I will sign up for raid nights that I would like to join on, and even though I sign up as "Accepted",  I am not guaranteed a slot that particular raid night.
  • Even if I am assigned to A, B or C Team, my slot for any given raid night may be given temporarily to someone from O Team if I do not meet gear requirements for the raid difficulty attempted that night or if I did not inform myself well on all boss encounters scheduled for that night. 
  • In order to be on either A, B or C Teams, I am committing to the primary night for the team I choose to be placed in.

A, B & O Team Enrollment

 To sign up for any of the three teams, you must do a quick raid-checkup with an officer:

For character names starting with a letter from A to D, meet with:  Tidesroyale or  Vuljun/Chenstout
For character names starting with a letter from E to H, meet with:   Shegrooves or Hidytwo or Solexero/Frieria

For character names starting with a letter from I to L, meet with:  Mirandah or Tidesroyale

For character names starting with a letter from M to P, meet with:  Vuljun/Chenstout or Solexero/Frieria or Hidytwo

For character names starting with a letter from Q to T, meet with:  Hidytwo or Tidesroyale or Mirandah

For character names starting with a letter from U to Z, meet with: Solexero/Frieria or Shegrooves
Please note, you must meet with the officer whose name is first, if they are not available, meet with the second officer name or third name if the second is not available.

  Keep in mind that if you are signing up for either A or B Teams, you are consenting to commit to both raid nights.  I understand that everyone has real life obligations and emergencies may arise.  We won't penalize you for this, but if you are continually not signing up for raid nights, not showing up, or showing up late and uninformed on boss encounters, then you may be asked to give your slot to someone else that is well prepared.  If you cannot generally commit to your raid team's raid nights, then please leave room for others and sign up for O Team.  O Team may be a reserve team, but you still have the possibility to join us for raids because everyone has real life obligations and cannot make every single raid night.

What team will I be placed in?

Once the enrollment day begins, we will take many things into consideration after your meeting with your designated officer, which include but is not limited to:

  • your preferred raid schedule
  • your raid role: tank/heals/deeps
  • your current equipped average item lvl (we will try to even out everyone's ilvl to speed up the gearing process for Throne of Thunder)
Enrollment Meeting with Officer Checklist:

  1. checkup (Make sure you already read the Jealous Sky's Raid Requirements blog post.  Then go to and tinker around with this tool and familiarize yourself with it.  I made a brief guide to askmrrobot on our guild blog.  Here is a link.  Make sure you read the guide and tinker around with it first.  If you have further questions, wait until after the raid teams have been established and then you can ask any of the officers.) Please note, we don't require you to utilize this website but we highly recommend it.
  2. Dummy Trial (five minutes) in Orgrimmar if you are a deepser. The first four bosses in ToT calls for at least 95K deeps.
  3. If you are a tank or healer and have not joined us for raids or any Mists of Pandaria heroics, then you must join any of the officers for one and they will let us know how you fare.  We value great communication and team-friendliness over skill.  Skill can always be improved with a little hard work, while team-building is a trait we see as more promising.
  4. Let the officer know which raid team is optimal for you.  If you cannot commit to both raid nights, then you can be placed on O Team.  If you do not meet the ilvl requirement for normal mode ToT (495+), then you cannot be placed in O Team yet because O Team serves as a reserve team for our primary raid teams.  If you are not yet geared for normal mode ToT, then we can help you.
  5. Have ventrilo and Deadly Boss Mods addon installed and consent to use them for raid nights (by the way, your meeting with an officer must be in ventrilo, at least be able to hear us is fine).
  6. You give the officer consent that you have fully read this specific blog post.
  7. You give the officer consent to the A, B & O Team Requirements Affidavit posted above and understand it completely.