Monday, December 30, 2013

Announcements 30 December 2013

Mandatory Town Hall Meet

Venue: Dragonblight, Northrend
Date: 2 January 2014 (3 Jan. 2014 for our AU/SK guildies)
Time: 8:30 PM server time (Pacific Standard Time)
Notes: Must join ventrilo, no mic required

This will be an end of the month town hall meet in which we discuss raiding with our guild. All levels are welcome and raiders especially are expected to be there. If you cannot make the meet, you must give Tides or Hidytwo a heads up via in-game post, or you will be barred from raiding with the guild. Those of you who cannot make this meet must be able to meet with any of our officers in ventrilo at a later time.

3 January 2013 Raid

For those of you raiding with us this night, please be on time because we will be doing a quick team-building exercise just before the raid.

Tides' Move to Korea

Tides will be moving to South Korea to teach English at a private academy for a year. This coming Friday may be his last raid with the guild for a couple weeks, because a foreigner in Korea cannot get internet set up at home (or open a bank account or purchase a mobile phone) unless one obtains an alien registration card. This process usually takes up to two weeks but worst case scenario it may take a month. Tides' flight to Korea is scheduled this coming Saturday.

Monday, December 23, 2013