Friday, March 30, 2012

Jealous Sky New Guild Recruit FAQs

Q:  Why the guild name Jealous Sky?
A:  Please refer to this post.

Q:  What type of guild is Jealous Sky?
A:  We are primarily a casual, social raiding guild.  Casual in the sense that we like to have fun raiding (this is a game after all) in a chill, friendly raiding environment.  Also, we won't kick you from the guild or treat you with less favor if you aren't as active as others.  Everyone in the guild has a strength or talent to offer and that makes us all the more stronger.  I completely understand and even preach incessantly that real life should always take priority over WoW, whether it's family or fun with your mates or simply wanting to take a break from the game.  We are a social guild in the sense that we enjoy many social guild events, including contests (many of which award in-game mounts and pets as prizes) and team-building activities.  We have ventrilo and everyone is welcome to join.  Since we just faction changed and server transferred to Kil'jaeden (middle of March 2013), we don't have many signed in all the time so please don't hesitate to sign in and make some noise!  It's the best way to get to know your fellow guildies.  We do enjoy pvp as well.  But seeing as our focus is to prep for Throne of Thunder raiding, we will mostly spend time gearing for raids before we can ease back into scheduling more guild pvp events such as helping farm honor through battlegrounds and arenas or our favourite––inter-guild competition through war games.

Q:  When do you raid?
A:  Our raid nights are Thursdays and Sundays 7:00 to 10:00 PM (B Team) and Fridays and Saturdays 7 to 10 PM server time (A Team, currently it's 7:30 to 10:30 PM until GM moves to new time zone).

Q:  What is your raiding atmosphere like?
A:  We don't harbor any elitists.  I remember when I first started raiding years ago, how frustrating raids could be.  I remember getting kicked from raids because of low deeps and I remember being treated like rubbish.  I don't appreciate being disrespected and I will ensure a friendly team-building raiding atmosphere.  All we ask is that you meet gear requirements, especially knowing the fights (we will ask questions at raid checkups), and doing your part by contributing as a team player.  Our raiding atmosphere can be described as such:
1)  a team of us going into raids having fun
2)  challenging ourselves by honing our teamwork skills and 
3)  aiming for progression

That's the gist of it, with a higher emphasis on the first two items.  No complications, no yelling, no number crunching.  We won't throw a fit if you need to miss any given raid night and we won't frown if you have to stop mid-raid to change your baby's diaper or something came up.  Real life happens, we all understand that.  If you're really curious to see what our raids are like, make sure you meet the raid requirements, know the fights, sign up for a raid checkup with an officer and join us for our next raid!  Shy?  I assure you, we are all very friendly people.  I invite you to visit our former guild Youtube channel, wowlosties.  There you can see videos of a couple of our old boss kills.  I haven't uploaded any recent boss kills yet!  I like to do warmups before we pull our first boss and play a bit of music even as we pull our first boss.  You have been warned.

Q:  I'd like to raid with you.  What do I need to do in order to join you for raids?
A:  Simple.  Just meet gear requirements which is summarized as having met a specific average equipped item level, knowing boss fights for the raid you plan to join us on, and if you're a deeps class, being able to pull the correct amount of deeps suggested for that particular raid.  I'm going to be honest up front.  If you are a couple thousand deeps short of what's suggested for the raid, we'll work with you.  It could be your gear or just a matter of you getting used to new raid mechanics such as having to move a lot more than the other deepsers in a particular boss fight, or even you needing to work on your rotation.  No wucking forries.  We'll be patient with you and work with you.  Just make sure this isn't a constant issue and that you are always striving to improve.  Do your best and get your practice in through heroics and be sure to look up your class and spec on forums and the like.  We are a team and we will find ways to adapt.  Of course there will be minor exceptions such as Ultraxion, the first boss in the second half of Dragon Soul.  Boss fights such as that one are seriously intended as deeps checks, so you need to do your best!

Q:  I just join the guild and the first thing I do is take a look at the guild bank.  Yes, I'm that kind of person.  I can't withdraw anything.  What gives?
A:  Upon joining our guild, you are of Nimbus rank for 48 hours.  This gives us time to get to know you a little more.  I'm going to state right now that even as you rank up in the guild,  you will only be able to withdraw from the first tab of the guild bank.  Only officers will be able to withdraw from the other tabs.  However, this does not mean that everything is off-limits to you.  Anything is available upon request, but you need to make a fair trade for it (actually a discount for you) by means of our Trade Equivalency Charts implemented by our Trade Pass tab.  This counts for trade materials.  As for raiding gear found in the Plunder tab, many of it is available upon request for free (yes FREE) so long as you've made an effort to get to know your guild and contribute what you can either through trade mats, gold, help with heroics and raid time––basically that you've shown a vested interest in Perpetual and that you are here to stay.

Q:  As I spend more time with you all I am finding that I'd like to serve as an officer.  Either I have no experience as an officer or I have been officer for guilds before.  How do I apply to become an officer for Jealous Sky?
A:  Great question!  I'm honored you would like to serve your comrades.  Honestly, the way I see it is no one should ask for an officer position.  Believe me, we watch everyone and we take great notice of any contribution to the guild, especially where you go above and beyond the norm.  Sign into ventrilo as much as you can, greet everyone in guild and make an effort to know each and every one of your guildies.  Join us for everything you can––heroics, battlegrounds, arenas, or just goofing around with each other.  You don't need to donate gold or expensive trade mats.  You could even be a shy soul; I've selected shy people as officers before!  Show us what strengths you are able to bring to the table and believe me, you will be asked!

Q:  Just curious, what officer positions are you looking to fill? (Sorry, we are not currently recruiting officers at this time.)

A:  Upon becoming officer, we ask our new officers to take up a specialty role.  Here is a list of what we currently need:

  • Warmonger ~ Pvp officer in charge of all things pvp.
  • Doctor ~ Heals officer in charge of our raid team healing dossier (making sure our raid team healers are maintaining their gear and knowing boss fights) and assigning which officers will be responsible for raid checkups for each week.
  •  Titan ~ Deeps officer in charge of our raid team deeps dossier
  • Imperial Mint Agent ~ Officer in charge of issuing out and keeping record of our guild currency, the denarius.
  • Guild Keep Administrator ~ Officer in charge of keeping our Guild Keep organized.
  • Strategists ~ Need two of these.  Officers in charge of coming up with strategies for our raid team if we are having difficulties with raid bosses. Also responsible for giving boss intel if needed.
  • Guild Mediator ~ Officer anyone in guild can approach if there is a conflict or if they need someone to talk to about personal matters.  Someone we can trust to talk to in privacy.
  • White Rabbit ~ Officer in charge of time.  Makes sure we start and end raids on time.  If a raid starts or ends later than the scheduled time, every officer rank and up must pay the White Rabbit 100 gold.  If we end raids on time, the White Rabbit is paid 100 gold from the Guild Keep.  However, what's absolutely required of you is that you have a transmogrification set that closely resembles the garb of the White Rabbit from Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland, to be worn before and after raids.
  • Guru ~ Officer in charge of coming up with creative team-building activities, contests and events.
  • Keating ~ Officer in charge of our other DPS––Dead Poet's Society.  If we have enough interested in starting our own literary club, we'll open this position up.  Responsible for selecting books to be read and overseeing our literary meetings.
  • Tour Guide ~ Officer in charge of recruiting and giving a guide to new guild recruits.  Briefly show and explain home base, the Guild Keep, etc.  You will be paid 50 gold for every new guild recruit you give a guide to.
  These are just a few of the officer positions I could think of.  If none of these strike your fancy, after being promoted to officer, we always ask you what specialty role you'd like to take up.  Another important note is that every officer must have a Blizzard authenticator.

Q:  Okay I do contribute to the guild by spending time with my fellow JSkies, but I also would like to help by donating to the bank.  What do I put in there?
A:  As we are primarily a raiding guild, if you are going to be donating gear or trade mats, please limit it to Mists of Pandaria mats only.  Donations of gold is fine as well.  How much is reasonable?  Anything you are willing to donate is perfectly fine.  Any donations we get is much appreciated.  Please consult The Guild Keep blog post for more information.

Q:  How does your guild ranking system work?  I don't want to be a Nimbus forever.  Although, it is rather cute.  But still, tell me more.
A:  Our guild ranking system is not at all hard to follow.  You are ranked up according to how much you give to the guild, whether through contributions to the Guild Keep or by helping guildies out through other means.  A surefire way to rank up is by getting to know everyone and signing into ventrilo even if you are unable to speak.  I know there are shy types out there and I love them just as much.  We shall break you out of that shell, no pressure but we shall, just you watch!  For a more detailed description of how to move up the Jealous Sky ranks, please consult our Jealous Sky Guild Ranks blog post. 

That's all the FAQs I could think of off the top of my head.  I will end this blog post with a few tips to surviving your first few days as one of Jealous Sky.

1)  Some absobloodylutely must-know Jealous Sky terms include:

  • home base:  This is our official guild headquarters in Orgrimmar.  It is located in the Valley of Honor at the small waterfall in the pond just to the left of the Auction House.  It is conveniently located near a bank, the auction house,  like seven mailboxes (seriously), inn and the portal to Pandaria.  We meet here for most anything, especially guild trades and just hanging out.  Be sure to stop by to say hallo and make sure you drop a guild standard before leaving!
  • Guild Keep:  Guild bank
  • deeps:  DPS or damage per second.  We refer to these specs as deepsers.
2)  When you join our guild and bring alts with you, please choose one nickname that you'd like us to call you and put that name in the note under all your characters.  This helps us get to know you faster and helps especially when it comes to promoting your alt characters when you receive a rank up.

3)  Get to know everyone in guild and help us get to know you!  Talk in guild chat and sign into ventrilo even if you are unable to speak or too shy to speak.  Join us for heroics, battlegrounds, arenas, raids or just hang out with us.  This game is only as fun as you make it.  Let's all have a blast together!

4)  The two most asked questions are about our raiding requirements and Guild Keep.  I write extensively about both on our guild blog so please refer to the blog posts concerning them.  Here they are again along with a few others for your convenience:

LOSTies blog (our former guild blog)

Here are some important raid and gear resources we use.  Links to them can always be found on our guild blog main page, to the left-hand side.

Need to optimize your gear? Ask the robot!  --->  askmrrobotjustdontaskhimthemeaningoflife

Also, if you don't know how to use, here is a quick guide written by Tidesroyale:

Tides' Ask the Robot guide

5)  Most importantly, please check the guild blog as much as you can!  This is our method of posting announcements for raids and guild contests and more.  It is our way of getting vital information out to you when we can't do so when not everyone is online at the same time.  A lot of time and effort is put into writing these blog posts, and not all of the input is mine but from officers as well so please set aside a few minutes throughout the week to read up on new posts.  It would be most appreciated.

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