Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Loot Rules

Normal Loot Rules

When loot drops, the Master Looter will hold on to it.  Should his or her inventory get full, another officer will hold on to the loot.  Loot will be distributed at the halftime point.  The manner in which loot will be distributed is as follows:

  • Always roll for main spec first if the item is an upgrade.
  • If no one needs the item for their main spec, everyone can roll for off spec.
  • Lowest roll wins (1-100).
  • If you are one of the two tanks and a fight entails you switching to deeps mode, then you are still eligible to roll on tank gear, but when it comes to deeps gear you are only allowed to roll for off spec if no one needs for main spec. 
  • Conversely, if you are one of the three healers and a fight entails you switching to deeps mode, then you are still eligible to roll on heals gear, but when it comes to deeps gear you are only allowed to roll for off spec if no one needs for main spec.
  • You may not roll for your alts or any other character that was not present at the time the loot dropped.  This rule applies to crafting recipes and crafting materials as well.
  • If no one needs for main or off spec, and it is a bind on pickup (BoP) item, everyone can roll for shard (if an enchanter is available) or for gold.
  • If the item is a bind on equip (BoE), only those who need it for their main spec can roll.  Off specs are not eligible.  If no one in the raid can use it, then the item will be placed in the Plunder Tab of the Guild Keep to help gear other guildies.
  • If the item is a crafting recipe and the officers don't already know you have the correct maxed crafting profession, then you must link your maxed profession in raid chat.
  • If no one is eligible to roll for the crafting recipe, then it is a free roll for everyone.
  • If the item is a trade material for a crafting profession, you must have both a maxed profession and a learned recipe that calls for the trade material in order to be eligible to roll.  If the officers don't already know you are eligible, then you must link both your maxed profession and the learned recipe in raid chat in order to be eligible.
  • If the item is a class quest item (i.e. shards, gem clusters), the officers will already have someone chosen to receive such loot for all the raids until they complete their quest.  After said guildie has completed their class quest, then the officers will choose someone else eligible to receive the quest items.
  • If the item is a mount, congratulations on being present on such a rare occurrence.  Good luck on your roll!  Remember, lowest roll wins.  Even if you don't win, you should still be happy for your fellow guildie cos they make Jealous Sky look good while on that mount.

Heroic Loot Rules

Effective September 4, 2012.  Should you join a raid team in which 25-man or heroic loot drops, all of the normal loot rules apply with the exception that rolls for gear are no longer valid here.  However, rolls for crafting recipes, trade materials and mounts still apply.  Everything else that does not fit into these categories will be distributed via Loot Council.

Loot Council Formation

For A Team and any other team with Tides in it, the council will consist of Tides, two officers and three random non-officer raiders.  For B Team the council will consist of three officers and three random non-officer raiders.  For C Team and any team that has only one officer, the council will consist of one officer and three random non-officer raiders.  Initiates (in Perpetual less than a month) cannot join the Loot Council.

The random raiders to join Loot Council will rotate every new raid night.  They will be selected via rolls and the two with the lowest rolls will be joining Loot Council for the duration of just that raid night.  Each raid night, a new Loot Council will be selected.  There will be two sets of rolls, one roll for the officers and one roll for the non-officers.  If a current member of the Loot Council is missing on the secondary/optional raid night then another officer or non-officer will fill in the appropriate (officer/non-officer) slot, to be selected by rolls.

Loot Process
  1. Loot requests will begin with the Loot Master linking the item in raid chat to initiate voting.
  2. Raiders interested in receiving the item will stand to the side of the Loot Master (to be inspected by Loot Master) and whisper him or her with the item they want to replace.
  3. After the Loot Master has received all whispers, he or she will whisper the raider's name along with the item they want replaced to the other Loot Council members, then announce a timer, allowing two minutes for the Loot Council to consider their options then cast their vote.
  4. The Loot Master will call for a last call then voting will end.
  5. The raider receiving most votes will receive the item.
Each Loot Council member gets one vote.  In the event of a tie, Tides will always have the final say.  If Tides is not present, the Loot Master will have the final say.  The Loot Master will always be an officer.

Loot Council Communication

The Loot Master will create a separate channel for the Loot Council to chat in.  This can be done through the in-game chat options window.  Keep in mind, when creating a channel name, it must be one continuous word (for example, JSloot) because if there are any spaces, it will be an invalid chat channel name.  Password is optional.  Also, all Loot Council members will have to drop down a channel in ventrilo for the voting process.

Guidelines for Loot Council

There is no formula for voting and there is no "correct" vote.  The biggest consideration to keep in mind is what is best for guild.  Loot Council is put in place to benefit the guild's progression.  With this goal in mind, the following items should be considered to achieve that end:
  • tenure with the guild
  • significance of upgrade
  • attendance in the last 30, then 60 days
  • amount of loot already won
Please note these are only suggestions and are listed in no particular order.  There is no set formula for who wins what loot.

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