Sunday, January 19, 2014

Announcements 19 January 2014

Tides is back! After a two week hiatus, Tides is just about settled into his new flat in Korea. He plans to teach English in Korea for at least one year. Everyone be sure to thank Kira for doing a wonderful job tanking in Tides' stead.

New Officer

If some of you are just returning as well, you'll notice that we've a new officer, Alexisfire (Justin). From now on, if anyone will be missing a raid, be sure to give either Tides, Hidytwo or Alexisfire a heads up via in-game post or your offenses to our three-strike policy will be tallied. Remember, the three-strike attendance policy does not apply to our reserve/backup team members.

Loyalty Rank Ups

Just recently, we have ranked Belldandee, Florenceftw, Kira and Bizaha up to Altocumulus rank. Congratulations! This is our loyalty rank, and you will receive higher guild repairs and the ability to withdraw from our Raid Lunchbox tab in the Guild Keep. This rank is reserved for JSkies that have been consistent with raid attendance for quite some time and are active members in our community.

You are also able to invite people into guild. Please keep in mind that we do have an alt rule in which no one can bring alts into guild unless they have been raiding with us for at least a month.

Thok the Bloodthirsty First Flex Mode Kill

Good on ya! Such great efforts, everyone. Next kill shot let's aim to be more neat so we can see everyone's faces and names clearly!

"Let's make Jurassic Park our bitch!" ~ Alexisfire

Galakras Issues

So far we have shown great improvement in our deeps and in stunning the Bonecrushers and interrupting the Tidal Shamans. However, here are a couple of things we need to work on which will ensure our first Galakras Normal Mode Kill:

  • People are still dying to Warlord Thranok's Crusher's Call as well as the tower bosses' Arcing Smash and Muzzle Spray. Please be sure to move out of these dust clouds ASAP!
  • Our heals are still very low. It may just be a gear issue but most of us should be well over item level 540 by now so please set aside some time to read up on your class. Make sure you cover all bases, such as stat priorities, gems, enchants, rotation, etc. Keep an eye on Recount, we cannot rely on just one healer to carry the others. We do not want to turn away raiders, especially if they have been loyal and consistent so the only option we have is to make sure everyone is fully optimal and understands their class well.

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