Saturday, December 29, 2012

Perpetual 2012 Scavenger Hunt Contest

Perpetual Guild Holiday Scavenger Hunt 2012

  • A Glass of Eversong Wine
  • One Winter Kimchi
  • One Eggnog
  • One Gingerbread Cookie
  • One Big Berry Pie
  • One Honeyed Holiday Ham
  • A Sheet of Blue Ribboned Wrapping Paper (The one with the blue and white icon, not from holiday vendors!)
  • Bright Baubles (One)
  • One Snowball
  • One (lump of) Coal
  • One Handful of Snowflakes
  • Two Front Teeth (Any teeth will do, but no fangs please!)
  • A Snow Cub
  • A Ruby Sapling
  • A Reindeer Mount
  • A Holiday Colored Transmog Set (Red, Green, Blue, White, Silver and/or Gold)

Tyressa (Venassa):  Back in the days before Lordaeron fell; before the Crown Prince became King of the undead he had a gallant steed fit for any knight. But, alas! Invincible did not live up to his name, and the prince and his mount were parted. Come find me where the two met again; this time forever joined in undeath.
Friera (Hementia):  Nestled within frosty mountains lies a pocket of madness. Inside are the turned guardians of the mountains: Guardian of winter; Guardian of innovation; Guardian of life; Guardian of thunder… After your descent to madness lies an Old God. Come! Let me see the spoils of winter revelry outside the entrance to your nightmare!

Friday, December 21, 2012

Upcoming Perpetual Holiday Festivities

Formerly known as LOSTies, our guild Christmas photo from last year.

Season's greetings, Perpetualeans! Our guild has been in existence for over five years now and every Christmas we take part in many traditions to show each other just how much we appreciate the family we have made for ourselves in the digital World of Warcraft.  Throughout the year we hold contests and Christmas is the best time of year to do so.  This year's Christmas contest has been organized by our officers Eric and Crystin, and will take place on the evening of Saturday 29th, 2012.  It will be a scavenger hunt race and the first place prize is your choice of mount from the online Blizzard store.  The second place prize will be your choice of pet from the online Blizzard store, and third place prize will be 1K gold and an in-game companion pet from Crystin.  Aside from the Christmas Scavenger Hunt Race, we will partake in other Perpetual holiday traditions listed below:

  Perpetual Holiday Events

Secret Santa
deadline to submit name for entry:  Friday 21st @ 9pm server time (mail Faldon in-game message your wish list ideas)

actual event:  TBA

Let's all take this opportunity to show each other just how much we appreciate the true sense of camaraderie that's set our guild apart from all others!  There is no minimum amount of gold/time necessary in purchasing/crafting/farming for that perfect gift for whoever you are assigned to be Secret Santa for.  Just be creative!  I trust everyone will be fair in thinking of what to gift their fellow guild mate.  Some ideas might be expensive enchants or a bundle of gems or nice companion pets.  Look up their character on and click the optimize button to find out what they could use for raids.  Another tip:  Gift wrap can be purchased from the goblin holiday vendors in Stormwind's Trade Districe or in front of the Ironforge Bank. 

 If you are interested in joining us for Secret Santa, you must mail Faldon an in-game mail message before the deadline.  Include your name in the message and be sure to greet him a happy holiday!  Faldon has volunteered to help us organize our Secret Santa event.  Be sure to thank him in your message.  Shortly after the deadline, Faldon will mail you the name of who you have been assigned to.  I understand many of us may be traveling or spending time with family in RL, so if you are unable to make the Secret Santa event, you are free to either meet with your guild mate before the event or you can leave the gift with me so they can open it with everyone else at the event.  Merry Chrissie, Perpetualeans!
Christmas Photo Shoot
Evening on Saturday 29th, to precede our Christmas Scavenger Hunt Race Contest
Everyone welcome, the more the merrier!  Let's get as many of the guild mates in on this one so we can get a huge Perpetual Christmas picture!  I will be handing out Red Winter Garb suits and Winter Boots.  If you would like to help, I need all the Wool Cloth, Rugged Leather and Copper Bars I can get and would greatly appreciate any help you could offer!
  Let's make this a professional and great Christmas photo by:
  • removing all gear except for the winter suits and guild tabard
  • dismissing all pets
  • removing the title in your character's name (so we can see everyone's name, only fair)
  • refraining from using magic abilities that will result in an unclear picture
 I'm hoping to submit our Christmas picture for the WoW community site's screenshot of the day feature.  Think of it as a special Christmas gift to me and all your guild mates!
LOSTies "Spirit of Christmas" Contest
deadline for submissions:  Sunday 23rd @ midnight

Who says there isn't any room for competition during the holidays? I welcome it as long as it fosters a true sense of camaraderie and helps bring joy to others!  Your objective in this contest is to travel the World of Warcraft in search of the Christmas Spirit.  Do your best in capturing the Christmas Spirit in ONE screen-shot!  Be creative!  Do you see it in a bustling crowd of players in a city?  Or perhaps it's in the form of a creature?  How about a humble abode with a meager family enjoying Christmas the best they can?  Preferably, try not to include your UI (user interface) in your screen-shot.  Ask guild mates in-game if you're not sure how to hide the interface.  Include a caption with your screen-shot describing what the Christmas spirit means to you.  Email your sumbission to Tides at before the midnight deadline!  Everyone's submissions will be posted onto the guild blog and the winner's submission and caption will be featured!  G'luck and Merry Chrissie, Perpetualeans!
  • 1st prize: 1K gold
  • 2nd prize: 850 gold
  • 3rd prize: 650 gold

Perpetual Scavenger Hunt Rac
evening of Saturday 29th, right after our guild Christmas photo shoot

Attention all Scavenger Hunters!

We will be having a guild holiday scavenger hunt next Saturday, December 29th. There will be amazing prizes, tons of fun, and lots of officer friends to get the festivities going. In the meantime, here is a warm up exercise that also serves as a teaser of what's to come! In order to complete the scavenger hunt you will need to have a holiday colored transmog set. Acceptable colors are red and green, blue and white, silver and gold, and so forth. In the coming days Frieira (Eric) and Kieve/Tyressa (Crystin) will be setting up transmog approval hours to make sure that your set is festive enough for the hunt! We will accept other colors if you can convince US that it represents the holidays to YOU! Sign up, or just whisper one of us to schedule a quick peek at your set. Stay tuned for further updates about the HUNT!  The list of items to hunt for will be posted on the night of the event.
  • 1st prize:  Your choice of mount from the online Blizzard store
  • 2nd prize:  Your choice of companion pet from the online Blizzard store
  • 3rd prize:  1K gold and an in-game companion pet from Crystin

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Perpetual Raid Team Rosters 2013

Important Announcements:

  • * C Team is now recruiting for two more slots! It needs x2 tank healsThis team still needs  an extra time warp/heroism (I'd like for us to be prepared).*
  • Even if you have already been assigned your own raid team slot (from our guild meet on Friday, December 14th 2012), it is absolutely required that you refer to the Perpetual Raid Team Enrollment blog post and read the post in its entirety, paying close attention to the A, B, C & O Team Requirements Affidavit.
  • If you have just been recruited to the guild, you cannot be officially placed on our raid teams until you:
  1. Read the Perpetual Raid Team Enrollment blog post.
  2. Register on our guild community website.
  3. Meet with your assigned officer in ventrilo (no mic required).   
Thank you for your cooperation, your efforts in making sure you meet our raid team requirements are your first steps as a successful raider! Perpetual looks forward to raiding with you.

"Offer me your sword and spells, and I shall bring you victory.  Offer your companionship, and I shall give you loyalty.  Offer your service, and together we shall gain honour. We are Perpetual."
Chris, Mira, and Tides

Refer to the Perpetual Raid Team Enrollment blog post for more information on how to enroll onto any team that has open slots. 

Our raid team rosters are posted at the bottom of this postAs of now, here are some issues:

  • With B Team:  Kieve level 90 hunter is not yet geared for Mogu'shan Vaults.  More importantly, B Team is missing a tank heals.
  • Now that we are in Mists of Pandaria expansion, we need to update our O Team (reserve team).  Anyone who is not able to commit to one raid night a week and would like to raid casually as a backup to to fill any of the missing slots on our A or B teams please consult myself or an officer.
  • If you've alt characters that meet the ilvl 460+ gear requirement and would like to be placed on either C Team or the reserve team, then let myself or an officer know. 

If you do not see your name on any of the team rosters it is because you haven't yet read the Perpetual Raid Team Enrollment blog post nor met with your assigned officer for enrollment.  Please pay attention to the guild message of the day (GMotD), guild community website, and this guild blog.  They are meant to keep you updated on important announcements and offer you tools for raiding.  I have been reminding everyone in guild constantly for  quite some time now.  Also, everyone I've recruited I made sure to tell you that in order to join our raid teams you must have read the Perpetual Raid Team Enrollment blog post to find out how to enroll.  If you would like to get serious about raiding then you need to make a personal effort.  Perpetual is in no way an elitist or hardcore guild, but that does not mean we should be unorganized or lack team building skills.

If you would like to fill an empty slot on any of the teams (A, B, C, and O) then read the Perpetual Raid Team Enrollment post.  For more information about raiding requirements for Perpetual, please read the Perpetual Raiding Requirements post.

If your name appears on the rosters below, congratulations on your assignment and thank you for your team efforts.  Please continue to sign up for your raid nights through the guild calendar in-game otherwise your raid leader will assume you are unavailable that night and will enlist a guildie from the O Team roster.  Looking forward to raiding regularly with you all.  Cheers!

* Note:  I will keep these rosters up to date, talk to any of the officers or myself if changes need to be made and I will reflect them on this post. * 

Thursday, November 1, 2012

The Stone Guard: 10-Man Normal

To join our guild for regular Mogu'shan Vaults raids, you must  have an average item level of at least 460. Raiding requirements can be found through the "raiding requirements" label on the left-hand side of the guild blog. I am providing you with two options to inform yourself on the strategy for The Stone Guard: by the video posted below or the notes included in the link below. If you opt to watch the video guide, be sure to take notes. If you'd rather read the strategy, here is the link:

Scroll down to read heroic difficulty strategy for The Stone Guard

Mists of Pandaria is a new challenge for Perpetual.  I would like for us to strive for excellence.  I will start to ensure that everyone does their fair share and informs themselves well on the strategy.  We are in a guild that promotes a team-oriented raiding atmosphere and it is only fair that everyone is well-informed.  Having to explain boss intel before fights takes up too much time.  If I find that people are not able to set aside some time and inform themselves on boss strategies, then we will skip the bosses people are uninformed on.  Please do your best to not let the team down; if we are all aiming at heroic progression then we need to be open to a little more responsibility and effort.

TankSpot's Guide

* Although I personally do not approve of this hideous (both in personality and appearance) afro that calls himself Lore, this is the best guide I could find at the time for this boss encounter and I give him kudos for a detailed, well-informed guide. Alas, we are spared at least from his monstrous appearance. I could never stand his "The Weekly Marmot" video series on Youtube.

Feng the Accursed: 10-Man Normal

To join our guild for regular Mogu'shan Vaults raids, you must  have an average item level of at least 460. Raiding requirements can be found through the "raiding requirements" label on the left-hand side of the guild blog. I am providing you with two options to inform yourself on the strategy for Feng the Accursed: by the video posted below or the notes included in the link below. If you opt to watch the video guide, be sure to take notes. If you'd rather read the strategy, here is the link:

Scroll down to read heroic difficulty strategy for Feng the Accursed

Mists of Pandaria is a new challenge for Perpetual.  I would like for us to strive for excellence.  I will start to ensure that everyone does their fair share and informs themselves well on the strategy.  We are in a guild that promotes a team-oriented raiding atmosphere and it is only fair that everyone is well-informed.  Having to explain boss intel before fights takes up too much time.  If I find that people are not able to set aside some time and inform themselves on boss strategies, then we will skip the bosses people are uninformed on.  Please do your best to not let the team down; if we are all aiming at heroic progression then we need to be open to a little more responsibility and effort.

Raid Guides Dot Com's Guide


Gara'Jal the Spiritbinder: 10-Man Normal

To join our guild for regular Mogu'shan Vaults raids, you must  have an average item level of at least 460. Raiding requirements can be found through the "raiding requirements" label on the left-hand side of the guild blog. I am providing you with two options to inform yourself on the strategy for Gara'Jal the Spiritbinder: by the video posted below or the notes included in the link below. If you opt to watch the video guide, be sure to take notes. If you'd rather read the strategy, here is the link:

Scroll down to read heroic difficulty strategy for Gara'Jal the Spiritbinder

Mists of Pandaria is a new challenge for Perpetual.  I would like for us to strive for excellence.  I will start to ensure that everyone does their fair share and informs themselves well on the strategy.  We are in a guild that promotes a team-oriented raiding atmosphere and it is only fair that everyone is well-informed.  Having to explain boss intel before fights takes up too much time.  If I find that people are not able to set aside some time and inform themselves on boss strategies, then we will skip the bosses people are uninformed on.  Please do your best to not let the team down; if we are all aiming at heroic progression then we need to be open to a little more responsibility and effort.

GooderzWoW's Guide


The Spirit Kings: 10-Man Normal

To join our guild for regular Mogu'shan Vaults raids, you must  have an average item level of at least 460. Raiding requirements can be found through the "raiding requirements" label on the left-hand side of the guild blog. I am providing you with two options to inform yourself on the strategy for The Spirit Kings: by the video posted below or the notes included in the link below. If you opt to watch the video guide, be sure to take notes. If you'd rather read the strategy, here is the link:

Scroll down to read heroic difficulty strategy for The Spirit Kings

Mists of Pandaria is a new challenge for Perpetual.  I would like for us to strive for excellence.  I will start to ensure that everyone does their fair share and informs themselves well on the strategy.  We are in a guild that promotes a team-oriented raiding atmosphere and it is only fair that everyone is well-informed.  Having to explain boss intel before fights takes up too much time.  If I find that people are not able to set aside some time and inform themselves on boss strategies, then we will skip the bosses people are uninformed on.  Please do your best to not let the team down; if we are all aiming at heroic progression then we need to be open to a little more responsibility and effort.

FatbossTV's Guide


Elegon: 10-Man Normal

To join our guild for regular Mogu'shan Vaults raids, you must  have an average item level of at least 460. Raiding requirements can be found through the "raiding requirements" label on the left-hand side of the guild blog. I am providing you with two options to inform yourself on the strategy for Elegon: by the video posted below or the notes included in the link below. If you opt to watch the video guide, be sure to take notes. If you'd rather read the strategy, here is the link:

Scroll down to read heroic difficulty strategy for Elegon

Mists of Pandaria is a new challenge for Perpetual.  I would like for us to strive for excellence.  I will start to ensure that everyone does their fair share and informs themselves well on the strategy.  We are in a guild that promotes a team-oriented raiding atmosphere and it is only fair that everyone is well-informed.  Having to explain boss intel before fights takes up too much time.  If I find that people are not able to set aside some time and inform themselves on boss strategies, then we will skip the bosses people are uninformed on.  Please do your best to not let the team down; if we are all aiming at heroic progression then we need to be open to a little more responsibility and effort.

Raid Guides Dot Com's Guide

Tank Hard Dot Com's Guide


Will of the Emperor: 10-Man Normal

To join our guild for regular Mogu'shan Vaults raids, you must  have an average item level of at least 460. Raiding requirements can be found through the "raiding requirements" label on the left-hand side of the guild blog. I am providing you with two options to inform yourself on the strategy for Will of the Emperor: by the video posted below or the notes included in the link below. If you opt to watch the video guide, be sure to take notes. If you'd rather read the strategy, here is the link:

Scroll down to read heroic difficulty strategy for Will of the Emperor

Mists of Pandaria is a new challenge for Perpetual.  I would like for us to strive for excellence.  I will start to ensure that everyone does their fair share and informs themselves well on the strategy.  We are in a guild that promotes a team-oriented raiding atmosphere and it is only fair that everyone is well-informed.  Having to explain boss intel before fights takes up too much time.  If I find that people are not able to set aside some time and inform themselves on boss strategies, then we will skip the bosses people are uninformed on.  Please do your best to not let the team down; if we are all aiming at heroic progression then we need to be open to a little more responsibility and effort.

 Raid Guides Dot Com's Guide

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Raid Team Absences

Please read my message below and take it seriously, because if I don't see attendance start to improve in the next two weeks, I will drop people from their raid teams and put them onto the reserve team.  Everyone that has been placed onto our raid teams made a commitment that they will generally be able to make their raid team's raid night once a week.  If you're asking for specifics, then by a general commitment I mean 90% of the time, you are able to make your raid team's primary raid night every week.  If your attendance dips below the 90% benchmark, you are not being fair to your team mates.  Also, everyone gave their consent that they would be consistent with their signing up for their team's raid nights on the guild calendar, whether their status is confirmed, tentative or declined.  I am not seeing this in several individuals. 

Since the start of the three raid teams, there have been several team mates that have been missing their team's raid nights week after week.  I understand if you need to miss out on raid nights due to work or other real life obligations.  Like I said before, we don't even mind if you miss a raid night because you want to go out on the town or just stay home and watch your favourite shows.   However,  everyone on the raid teams gave their consent that they understand the commitment involved in owning your own slot on our raid teams, yet people are still not showing up for raid nights every week.  If you are already assigned to a team, then it is completely okay to miss out on your team's raid nights once in a while.  But if you are gone every week then your team is left struggling to find someone to replace you.  Another commitment everyone on the teams made was that they will be consistent with their sign ups for their team's raid nights on the guild calendar.  This is a very crucial step because your raid team will know what to expect from you, whether you are able to confirm, decline, or sign up as tentative.  By not signing up at all, you leave your team mates wondering what your status is and this causes raids to be late because we end up waiting a bit longer because we're not sure if we should expect you to show up or not.  If you are not able to generally commit to your team's raid night, then please reconsider joining O Team instead because it is our reserve team.

Mists of Pandaria will launch on Tuesday, September 25th, and I'm sure we are all excited to hit level ninety quickly and start the new raids.  But if we keep having excessive absences then we are all going to miss out on progression, team-building and the fun involved in being on a raid team.  Please take no offense to this message because I intend none.  I am only doing this to ensure that our team-building environment is still one that rivals the cutthroat, impersonal and elitist raid environments that other guilds manage on our server. 

Monday, September 10, 2012

Warmaster Blackhorn: 10-Man Heroic

To join our guild for heroic DS raids, you must meet all our requirements for normal DS raids as well as have an average item level of at least 393+. Raiding requirements can be found through the "raiding requirements" label on the left-hand side of the guild blog. I am providing you with two options to inform yourself on the strategy for heroic Warmaster Blackhorn: by the video posted below or the notes included in the link below. If you opt to watch the video guide, be sure to take notes. If you'd rather read the strategy, here is the link:

Scroll down to read heroic difficulty strategy for Warmaster Blackhorn

Since we are starting to do the heroic modes of DS, I will start to ensure that everyone does their fair share and informs themselves well on the strategy.  We are in a guild that promotes a team-oriented raiding atmosphere and it is only fair that everyone is well-informed.  Having to explain boss intel before fights takes up too much time.  If I find that people are not able to set aside some time and inform themselves on the strategies for heroic mode, then we will skip heroic mode for that night and just do regular version.  Please do your best to not let the team down; if we are all aiming at heroic progression then we need to be open to a little more responsibility and effort.

Flat Earth Society's Guide

Vox Immortalis' Guide


Hagara: 10-Man Heroic

To join our guild for heroic DS raids, you must meet all our requirements for normal DS raids as well as have an average item level of at least 393+. Raiding requirements can be found through the "raiding requirements" label on the left-hand side of the guild blog. I am providing you with two options to inform yourself on the strategy for heroic Hagara: by the video posted below or the notes included in the link below. If you opt to watch the video guide, be sure to take notes. If you'd rather read the strategy, here is the link:

Scroll down to read the heroic difficulty for Hagara

Since we are starting to do the heroic modes of DS, I will start to ensure that everyone does their fair share and informs themselves well on the strategy.  We are in a guild that promotes a team-oriented raiding atmosphere and it is only fair that everyone is well-informed.  Having to explain boss intel before fights takes up too much time.  If I find that people are not able to set aside some time and inform themselves on the strategies for heroic mode, then we will skip heroic mode for that night and just do regular version.  Please do your best to not let the team down; if we are all aiming at heroic progression then we need to be open to a little more responsibility and effort.

GooderzWoW's Guide
Vox Immortalis' Guide

Zon'ozz: 10-Man Heroic

To join our guild for heroic DS raids, you must meet all our requirements for normal DS raids as well as have an average item level of at least 393+. Raiding requirements can be found through the "raiding requirements" label on the left-hand side of the guild blog. I am providing you with two options to inform yourself on the strategy for heroic Zon'ozz: by the video posted below or the notes included in the link below. If you opt to watch the video guide, be sure to take notes. If you'd rather read the strategy, here is the link:

Scroll down to read the heroic strategy for Zon'ozz

Since we are starting to do the heroic modes of DS, I will start to ensure that everyone does their fair share and informs themselves well on the strategy.  We are in a guild that promotes a team-oriented raiding atmosphere and it is only fair that everyone is well-informed.  Having to explain boss intel before fights takes up too much time.  If I find that people are not able to set aside some time and inform themselves on the strategies for heroic mode, then we will skip heroic mode for that night and just do regular version.  Please do your best to not let the team down; if we are all aiming at heroic progression then we need to be open to a little more responsibility and effort.

Vox Immortalis' Guide (Healer PoV)

Flat Earth Society's Guide

Rocket Surgery's Tank PoV Guide

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Loot Rules

Normal Loot Rules

When loot drops, the Master Looter will hold on to it.  Should his or her inventory get full, another officer will hold on to the loot.  Loot will be distributed at the halftime point.  The manner in which loot will be distributed is as follows:

  • Always roll for main spec first if the item is an upgrade.
  • If no one needs the item for their main spec, everyone can roll for off spec.
  • Lowest roll wins (1-100).
  • If you are one of the two tanks and a fight entails you switching to deeps mode, then you are still eligible to roll on tank gear, but when it comes to deeps gear you are only allowed to roll for off spec if no one needs for main spec. 
  • Conversely, if you are one of the three healers and a fight entails you switching to deeps mode, then you are still eligible to roll on heals gear, but when it comes to deeps gear you are only allowed to roll for off spec if no one needs for main spec.
  • You may not roll for your alts or any other character that was not present at the time the loot dropped.  This rule applies to crafting recipes and crafting materials as well.
  • If no one needs for main or off spec, and it is a bind on pickup (BoP) item, everyone can roll for shard (if an enchanter is available) or for gold.
  • If the item is a bind on equip (BoE), only those who need it for their main spec can roll.  Off specs are not eligible.  If no one in the raid can use it, then the item will be placed in the Plunder Tab of the Guild Keep to help gear other guildies.
  • If the item is a crafting recipe and the officers don't already know you have the correct maxed crafting profession, then you must link your maxed profession in raid chat.
  • If no one is eligible to roll for the crafting recipe, then it is a free roll for everyone.
  • If the item is a trade material for a crafting profession, you must have both a maxed profession and a learned recipe that calls for the trade material in order to be eligible to roll.  If the officers don't already know you are eligible, then you must link both your maxed profession and the learned recipe in raid chat in order to be eligible.
  • If the item is a class quest item (i.e. shards, gem clusters), the officers will already have someone chosen to receive such loot for all the raids until they complete their quest.  After said guildie has completed their class quest, then the officers will choose someone else eligible to receive the quest items.
  • If the item is a mount, congratulations on being present on such a rare occurrence.  Good luck on your roll!  Remember, lowest roll wins.  Even if you don't win, you should still be happy for your fellow guildie cos they make Jealous Sky look good while on that mount.

Heroic Loot Rules

Effective September 4, 2012.  Should you join a raid team in which 25-man or heroic loot drops, all of the normal loot rules apply with the exception that rolls for gear are no longer valid here.  However, rolls for crafting recipes, trade materials and mounts still apply.  Everything else that does not fit into these categories will be distributed via Loot Council.

Loot Council Formation

For A Team and any other team with Tides in it, the council will consist of Tides, two officers and three random non-officer raiders.  For B Team the council will consist of three officers and three random non-officer raiders.  For C Team and any team that has only one officer, the council will consist of one officer and three random non-officer raiders.  Initiates (in Perpetual less than a month) cannot join the Loot Council.

The random raiders to join Loot Council will rotate every new raid night.  They will be selected via rolls and the two with the lowest rolls will be joining Loot Council for the duration of just that raid night.  Each raid night, a new Loot Council will be selected.  There will be two sets of rolls, one roll for the officers and one roll for the non-officers.  If a current member of the Loot Council is missing on the secondary/optional raid night then another officer or non-officer will fill in the appropriate (officer/non-officer) slot, to be selected by rolls.

Loot Process
  1. Loot requests will begin with the Loot Master linking the item in raid chat to initiate voting.
  2. Raiders interested in receiving the item will stand to the side of the Loot Master (to be inspected by Loot Master) and whisper him or her with the item they want to replace.
  3. After the Loot Master has received all whispers, he or she will whisper the raider's name along with the item they want replaced to the other Loot Council members, then announce a timer, allowing two minutes for the Loot Council to consider their options then cast their vote.
  4. The Loot Master will call for a last call then voting will end.
  5. The raider receiving most votes will receive the item.
Each Loot Council member gets one vote.  In the event of a tie, Tides will always have the final say.  If Tides is not present, the Loot Master will have the final say.  The Loot Master will always be an officer.

Loot Council Communication

The Loot Master will create a separate channel for the Loot Council to chat in.  This can be done through the in-game chat options window.  Keep in mind, when creating a channel name, it must be one continuous word (for example, JSloot) because if there are any spaces, it will be an invalid chat channel name.  Password is optional.  Also, all Loot Council members will have to drop down a channel in ventrilo for the voting process.

Guidelines for Loot Council

There is no formula for voting and there is no "correct" vote.  The biggest consideration to keep in mind is what is best for guild.  Loot Council is put in place to benefit the guild's progression.  With this goal in mind, the following items should be considered to achieve that end:
  • tenure with the guild
  • significance of upgrade
  • attendance in the last 30, then 60 days
  • amount of loot already won
Please note these are only suggestions and are listed in no particular order.  There is no set formula for who wins what loot.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Shoutout to all our seniors.

I came across this video on Youtube last night and I was moved.  Today's youth don't respect their elders as much as they did a couple generations ago.  Please teach your children, younger siblings and younger relatives to honor and respect their elders and to set aside some quality time to really show them we care.  Back in high school, I volunteered at a care home that my mum worked at.  I made some truly great friends there.  One of my favourites was a retired engineer that built airplanes; his name was Arlie.  We have much to learn from our elders.  I hope you enjoy this video as much as I. 

Friday, August 10, 2012

Perpetual Raid Team Rosters 2012

Refer to the Perpetual Raid Team Enrollment blog post for more information on how to enroll onto any team that has open slots.  Also, as we get more guildies we may form a D Team to be led by a guild officer interested in joining D Team.  The raid nights for D Team may share the same raid days and times as A Team: Thursdays and Saturdays from 6:30 to 9:30 PM server time.  

Posted below are the raid team rosters.  As of now, both A and C Teams are missing slots:

  • A Team is missing one ranged deeps slot.  Also, there is a complication in A Team and it is the fact that there are three guildies wanting to main tank heal and one of them must offer to raid heal because there are no available raid heals in this team.
  • B Team is set.
  • C Team is missing four slots: one tank, two tank heals and one melee deeps.  

If you do not see your name on any of the team rosters it is because you haven't yet read the Perpetual Raid Team Enrollment blog post nor met with your assigned officer for enrollment.  Please pay attention to the guild message of the day (GMotD), guild community website, and this guild blog.  They are meant to keep you updated on important announcements and offer you tools for raiding.  I have been reminding everyone in guild constantly for  quite some time now.  Also, everyone I've recruited I made sure to tell you that in order to join our raid teams you must have read the Perpetual Raid Team Enrollment blog post to find out how to enroll.  If you would like to get serious about raiding then you need to make a personal effort.  Perpetual is in no way an elitist or hardcore guild, but that does not mean we should not be organized or lack team building skills.

If you would like to fill an empty slot on any of the teams (A, B, C, and O) then read the Perpetual Raid Team Enrollment post.  For more information about raiding requirements for Perpetual, please read the Perpetual Raiding Requirements post.

If your name appears on the rosters below, congratulations on your assignment and thank you for your team efforts.  Please continue to sign up for your raid nights through the guild calendar in-game otherwise your raid leader will assume you are unavailable that night and will enlist a guildie from the O Team roster.  Looking forward to raiding regularly with you all.  Cheers.

* Note:  I will keep these rosters up to date, talk to any of the officers or myself if changes need to be made and I will reflect them on this post. *

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Jealous Sky Raid Team Enrollment

 Raid Team Enrollment:  Ongoing


The raid nights for our raid teams have now been established and are as follows:

A Team:  Fridays & Saturdays, 7:00 to 10:00 PM server time        (now recruiting)
B Team:  Thursdays & Sundays, 7:00 to 10:00 PM server time      (now recruiting)    
C Team:  not live                                                    

These raid schedules work for the majority of the guildies because many of us have work, school, and children outside of our digitized world.  With these three raid schedules in mind, please note that:

  • if you have multiple characters that are geared for regular mode Throne of Thunder, you are welcome to join another raid team on their raid night if you are geared for the raid encounters they have scheduled that night and if they have open slots available
I realize that there are guildies that have work schedules that change every week or because of other circumstances have unforeseen obligations that may get in the way of a permanent raid schedule.  Also, at the time of this post and onward, there may be guildies that are geared for regular mode DS or higher but the three teams are already full.  Finally, there are guildies that already have their main characters assigned to either A, B or C Team but have other level 90 characters geared for normal mode ToT.  If you don't think you can commit to both raid nights, or if by the time you are reading this post and the three raid teams are already full, or if you have another level 90 character geared for normal mode Throne of Thunder, then you can sign up for:

O Team:  Either A, B or C Team's raid nights

 O Team is designed to act as the reserves for A, B and C Teams.  That said, you must be geared for at least regular mode ToT to be placed on O Team.  Please realize that although O Team is a reserve team, this does not mean that you will never get to join us for raiding.  Everyone has their real life obligations and not everyone is guaranteed to make every single raid night.

A, B, C & O Team Requirements Affidavit
By signing up for any of the above teams, you give consent to the following:

  • I have read the Jealous Sky Raiding Requirements blog post and I meet ALL requirements.
  • I will register as a member on Jealous Sky's community website.
  • I will continue to keep my gear updated with or make an effort to strategically keep my gear updated (proper gems, enchantments and modifications).
  • If I am not meeting the requirements on a given raid night (i.e. PvP gear or missing enchants, gems or other modifications) then I will understand when I am asked to opt out of a raid so that someone better geared for the raid can join.
  • I will check the guild community website, guild blog, guild calendar, and read the guild message of the day (GMotD) regularly to keep myself informed and up to date.
  • I will inform myself of all boss encounters before raid night and understand that if I don't I may be asked to leave and give my slot to someone that took the time to inform themselves on the fights.
  • I will take part in and preserve a friendly, chill, fun and respectful raid environment that fosters camaraderie and encourages team-building.
  • I will regularly sign up for my scheduled raid night even if I'm already entitled to a designated slot, otherwise my raid team leader will give my slot to someone from the O Team for that night.
  • If I am an O Team member, I will sign up for raid nights that I would like to join on, and even though I sign up as "Accepted",  I am not guaranteed a slot that particular raid night.
  • Even if I am assigned to A, B or C Team, my slot for any given raid night may be given temporarily to someone from O Team if I do not meet gear requirements for the raid difficulty attempted that night or if I did not inform myself well on all boss encounters scheduled for that night. 
  • In order to be on either A, B or C Teams, I am committing to the primary night for the team I choose to be placed in.

A, B & O Team Enrollment

 To sign up for any of the three teams, you must do a quick raid-checkup with an officer:

For character names starting with a letter from A to D, meet with:  Tidesroyale or  Vuljun/Chenstout
For character names starting with a letter from E to H, meet with:   Shegrooves or Hidytwo or Solexero/Frieria

For character names starting with a letter from I to L, meet with:  Mirandah or Tidesroyale

For character names starting with a letter from M to P, meet with:  Vuljun/Chenstout or Solexero/Frieria or Hidytwo

For character names starting with a letter from Q to T, meet with:  Hidytwo or Tidesroyale or Mirandah

For character names starting with a letter from U to Z, meet with: Solexero/Frieria or Shegrooves
Please note, you must meet with the officer whose name is first, if they are not available, meet with the second officer name or third name if the second is not available.

  Keep in mind that if you are signing up for either A or B Teams, you are consenting to commit to both raid nights.  I understand that everyone has real life obligations and emergencies may arise.  We won't penalize you for this, but if you are continually not signing up for raid nights, not showing up, or showing up late and uninformed on boss encounters, then you may be asked to give your slot to someone else that is well prepared.  If you cannot generally commit to your raid team's raid nights, then please leave room for others and sign up for O Team.  O Team may be a reserve team, but you still have the possibility to join us for raids because everyone has real life obligations and cannot make every single raid night.

What team will I be placed in?

Once the enrollment day begins, we will take many things into consideration after your meeting with your designated officer, which include but is not limited to:

  • your preferred raid schedule
  • your raid role: tank/heals/deeps
  • your current equipped average item lvl (we will try to even out everyone's ilvl to speed up the gearing process for Throne of Thunder)
Enrollment Meeting with Officer Checklist:

  1. checkup (Make sure you already read the Jealous Sky's Raid Requirements blog post.  Then go to and tinker around with this tool and familiarize yourself with it.  I made a brief guide to askmrrobot on our guild blog.  Here is a link.  Make sure you read the guide and tinker around with it first.  If you have further questions, wait until after the raid teams have been established and then you can ask any of the officers.) Please note, we don't require you to utilize this website but we highly recommend it.
  2. Dummy Trial (five minutes) in Orgrimmar if you are a deepser. The first four bosses in ToT calls for at least 95K deeps.
  3. If you are a tank or healer and have not joined us for raids or any Mists of Pandaria heroics, then you must join any of the officers for one and they will let us know how you fare.  We value great communication and team-friendliness over skill.  Skill can always be improved with a little hard work, while team-building is a trait we see as more promising.
  4. Let the officer know which raid team is optimal for you.  If you cannot commit to both raid nights, then you can be placed on O Team.  If you do not meet the ilvl requirement for normal mode ToT (495+), then you cannot be placed in O Team yet because O Team serves as a reserve team for our primary raid teams.  If you are not yet geared for normal mode ToT, then we can help you.
  5. Have ventrilo and Deadly Boss Mods addon installed and consent to use them for raid nights (by the way, your meeting with an officer must be in ventrilo, at least be able to hear us is fine).
  6. You give the officer consent that you have fully read this specific blog post.
  7. You give the officer consent to the A, B & O Team Requirements Affidavit posted above and understand it completely.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Perpetual Dragon Soul Heroic Progression Announcements

The Mists of Pandaria expansion will be coming soon this fall and Patch 5.0.4 will be released in the next couple of months to prepare us for the drastic changes to come. If you haven't yet read the new patch notes, here they are:

Patch Notes: 5.0.4 

Many of the guildies have been anticipating DS heroic mode progression, and I urge it as well but in order for us to progress successfully I need to ensure that everyone is geared and well-informed on the strategies.  I will be posting video guides as well as links to the text-based guides on our guild blog.  You can find all the posts on the left-hand side of the guild blog as "heroic raid guides" under the "Label" section.  If I find on a raid night that not everyone in the team has set aside some time to inform themselves of the strategies for the heroic bosses we will take on that night, then I will dismiss the heroic attempt and we will stick to regular mode for that night.  Since we are all willing to tackle heroic mode, it is only fair that everyone is open to taking up a little more responsibility and individual effort.  We strive to maintain a team-oriented environment and the best way to do that is to make sure everyone is contributing to the team.  We will do away with boss intel because it deprives us of so much time on raid nights.

Be sure that you meet all DS raiding requirements for our guild.  They can be found under the label "raiding requirements" on the left-hand side of the guild blog.  You must have at least an average item level of 393+ to join us for heroic mode DS.

Perpetual Raid Teams

We are currently recruiting so that we can have two separate raid teams.  As of today, we still need more deepsers and healers.  On the left-hand side of the guild blog at the top, you will see a poll I've created to see what the raid times will be like for the second raid team, Team B.  For now, while we may not have enough people for the second team, we can resort to having people in Team A join Team B on their separate raid nights with their geared alts.  Once we have enough people to fill the second raid team, we could offer the option to change the raid times and days so that both teams could raid on the same nights.  If everyone is fine with the two raid teams raiding on separate nights and times then we can stick with that option.  I set the poll to end on Saturday, August 11th at 11:59 PM.  You can only choose one option, so choose wisely.  The two raid nights for each team (Thurs & Sat/Fri & Sun) does not necessarily mean that you must show up both nights.  It only means that the latter night is an open option to continue raiding if needed and if everyone on the team is available to do so.  

Heroic Dragon Soul Progression Path

The path we will take toward progression is as follows: 

Morchok > Yorsahj > Ultraxion > Zon'ozz > Hagara > Warmaster

Please note difficulty ramps up from Morchok and depending on your raid strengths and weaknesses or your guilds strengths and weaknesses, you have the option of several bosses after Morchok. Read below for more information. All bosses must be killed on heroic to reach Deathwing Heroic so you don't have a choice there. Most of these bosses are inter-changeable, read the description under each boss and you can decide for yourself.

This is taken directly from MMO-Champion's website and I will include a link to the complete thread:

MMO-Champion's Heroic DS Progression Thread

I suggest we attempt at least one or two heroic modes every week from now on until Mists of Pandaria launch.  Remember, this will go smoother if everyone does their fair share and informs themselves well on the strategies for each encounter.

Ultraxion: 10-Man Heroic

To join our guild for heroic DS raids, you must meet all our requirements for normal DS raids as well as have an average item level of at least 393+. Raiding requirements can be found through the "raiding requirements" label on the left-hand side of the guild blog. I am providing you with two options to inform yourself on the strategy for heroic Ultraxion: by the video posted below or the notes included in the link below. If you opt to watch the video guide, be sure to take notes. If you'd rather read the strategy, here is the link:

Scroll down to read the heroic difficulty strategy for Ultraxion

Since we are starting to do the heroic modes of DS, I will start to ensure that everyone does their fair share and informs themselves well on the strategy.  We are in a guild that promotes a team-oriented raiding atmosphere and it is only fair that everyone is well-informed.  Having to explain boss intel before fights takes up too much time.  If I find that people are not able to set aside some time and inform themselves on the strategies for heroic mode, then we will skip heroic mode for that night and just do regular version.  Please do your best to not let the team down; if we are all aiming at heroic progression then we need to be open to a little more responsibility and effort.

FatbossTV's Heroic Ultraxion 10-Man Guide:

Yor'sahj Guide: 10-Man Heroic

To join our guild for heroic DS raids, you must meet all our requirements for normal DS raids as well as have an average item level of at least 393+. Raiding requirements can be found through the "raiding requirements" label on the left-hand side of the guild blog. I am providing you with two options to inform yourself on the strategy for heroic Yor'sahj: by the video posted below or the notes included in the link below. If you opt to watch the video guide, be sure to take notes. If you'd rather read the strategy, here is the link:

Scroll down to read the heroic difficulty strategy for Yor'sahj

Since we are starting to do the heroic modes of DS, I will start to ensure that everyone does their fair share and informs themselves well on the strategy.  We are in a guild that promotes a team-oriented raiding atmosphere and it is only fair that everyone is well-informed.  Having to explain boss intel before fights takes up too much time.  If I find that people are not able to set aside some time and inform themselves on the strategies for heroic mode, then we will skip heroic mode for that night and just do regular version.  Please do your best to not let the team down; if we are all aiming at heroic progression then we need to be open to a little more responsibility and effort.

RaidPerspective's Heroic Yor'sahj 10-Man Video Guide:

Slimes Kill Order for Heroic Yor'sahj

Morchok Guide: 10-man Heroic

To join our guild for heroic DS raids, you must meet all our requirements for normal DS raids as well as have an average item level of at least 393+.  Raiding requirements can be found through the "raiding requirements" label on the left-hand side of the guild blog. 

I am providing you with two options to inform yourself on the strategy for heroic Morchok: by the video posted below or the notes included in the link below.  If you opt to watch the video guide, be sure to take notes.  You only need to watch the first five minutes and forty seconds of this video guide for the actual strategy, the rest is just gameplay commentary that can be skipped.  If you'd rather read the strategy, here is the link:

Scroll down to read the heroic difficulty strategy for Morchok

Since we are starting to do the heroic modes of DS, I will start to ensure that everyone does their fair share and informs themselves well on the strategy.  We are in a guild that promotes a team-oriented raiding atmosphere and it is only fair that everyone is well-informed.  Having to explain boss intel before fights takes up too much time.  If I find that people are not able to set aside some time and inform themselves on the strategies for heroic mode, then we will skip heroic mode for that night and just do regular version.  Please do your best to not let the team down; if we are all aiming at heroic progression then we need to be open to a little more responsibility and effort.

Intent's Heroic Morchok 10-Man Video Guide

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Perpetual Officers' Meet July 2012

Calling all officers. You are hereby summoned to offer your input as we discuss future plans for Perpetual.  The more we get accomplished at this officers’ meet, the better prepared we will be for answering questions and making announcements at our town hall meeting scheduled for next Friday, July 20th at 6:30 PM server.  Please come prepared with ideas of your own to offer for our forum at the town hall meeting as well as be ready to offer your own input on the topics to follow.  The items we will discuss consist of the following but is not limited to:

  •  heroic DS progression
  • recruitment
  • officer bios for guild blog
  • loot system for heroic raids
  • officer positions/specializations
  • video guides for guild Youtube channel
  • upcoming guild project/event/contest (hint: tr****)
  • Chris’ idea for guild contest rewards
  • update on Chris’ special project (no worries if now is not the time, I have another suggestion if interested)
  • sorting of two raid teams
  • 2319!
  • officer contact info
  • Guild Keep
  • X’s promotion/initiation ceremony to be scheduled

When:  An evening before our town hall meeting when the majority of officers can block off one to two hours solely for productivity. ** Respond to this post on the guild website (not blog) underneath the link with what night works best for you, we’ll aim for 6 PM server time.  **

What to bring:  This will be a themed meeting just for kicks.  Come dressed as a misfit––whatever you imagine such a person would present themselves as. However there is a rule.  Please limit your outfit to only garbo gear (anything in white or grey font in the tooltip).  If you must, you may equip just one gear piece that is above common quality (i.e. gear in green, blue or purple font). Bring a smile as well, but it needs to be an awkward one cos we shall be misfits for the night!

See you soon. Cheers.


Sunday, April 8, 2012

Announcements 4.8.12

 Today's announcements will cover:

  • Highlights of our DS II raid on Saturday 9th, 2012
  • Promotions, particularly the Altocumulus rank
  • A few methods in how we help guildies get geared, especially through the Guild Keep ticket system
  • Perpetual expansion
  • A new easy way to get Perpetual denarii
  • Perpetual Census

Thanks to all that showed up for our DS raid last night. For those that signed up and couldn't make it, no worries. We understand that real life gets in the way and we will never hold it against you. Also, I want everyone to know that we are willing to wait ten minutes for those that sign up for a raid and aren't present at raid start time. We will then take any extra guildies signed up or ask in guild chat.

Before I go over the highlights of our raid, I will list our raid composition from last night:

Tidesroyale ~ Tank
Hidytwo ~ Tank
Mirandah ~ Tank Heals
Shamoobs ~ Tank Heals
Bumber ~ Raid Heals
Andaph ~ Ranged Deeps
Terrapin ~ Ranged Deeps
Wozzbie ~ Melee Deeps
Tilli ~ Melee Deeps
Ribsandwich ~ Melee Deeps
Xynapses ~ Ranged Deeps (replaced Joe)

Special thanks to Chris for plunking two cauldrons and Bumber for almost 20 Seafood Magnifique Feasts. Also, thank you Wozzbie for being prompt with the much needed battle rezzes. Mira and Mattie, thanks heaps for putting up with your clumsy tanks. Thank you everyone for your great effort in last night's raid.

DS II Raid Highlights:

• Ultraxion downed after 15 goes

This was our first attempt ever at Ultraxion. It's a very unforgiving fight. Many of us (myself included) were having trouble with Heroic Will timing. Either we were too early or too late in activating the ability. No worries. After having been in the encounter and experiencing the pressure, practice will help us improve. I have a team-building idea that will help us practice timing for Heroic Will. I shall schedule it as a guild event sometime this week.

• Funny moment. After finally killing Ultraxion, I turn around and the entire guild is dead! A very sloppy first kill indeed. Oi, who doesn't love sloppy joes? Nom nom. We'll do better next time.

• Drops. Foremost, we decided that in order to help our rouges obtain their legendary daggers faster (each need 300), we will let Ribsandwich collect all 300 Elementium Gem Cluster first, followed by Tilli. If there is a raid where Ribsandwich isn't present, Tilli will take priority over any other rogues in raid. Bumber won new intellect mail shoulders: Imperfect Specimens 27 and 28, after which he gave to Shamoobs. Nice! I won the Chest of Corrupted Conquerer token and Mira won an Essence of Destruction.

No raid lock extension for next week. We decided together that it would help to get more gear for our guildies if we allow Dragon Soul to reset so we can take on all bosses we know well already before attempting Warmaster Blackhorn.

I've scheduled DS and Firelands raids on the guild calendar so be sure to sign up for the raid nights that work for you. If anyone is interested in transmogrification runs, let an officer know or ask in ventrilo and we can schedule one in the calendar or on the spot if there are enough guildies online.


We started ranking up several of the guildies. Thank you all for making an effort to get to know each other. I was stoked to find out you all did an Ulduar transmog run two nights ago without me. It makes me proud knowing you're all starting to foster genuine camaraderie within our guild. A couple of you have been promoted to Altocumulus rank. Congratulations! This is our designated normal progression rank. In the future, we will add a heroic progression rank. You have been promoted to Altocumulus because you show an effort in keeping your gear modifications up to par with and you have shown a vested interest in raiding with Perpetual. Along with this rank comes responsibility. No more raid checkups, we expect and trust that you will continue to keep your gear up to date with the the robot. You will also receive a comfortable increase in daily repair allowances. If you have not yet been promoted to Altocumulus rank, it is simply because you were not online a bit after our DS raid and did not get to meet with me. If interested, whisper Tides. We sincerely wish to have more guildies in the Altocumulus rank! It is in no way a core raiding team rank. It is simply our way of knowing who is geared for DS raids and on top of that, people we can trust to keep their gear optimized for raiding on a weekly basis, specifically through the tool. For more information on our special guild ranking system and our raiding requirements, please refer to the appropriate blog posts.

 More Ways We Help Gear Guildies

As for enchants and gems, do your best to gather mats and then see a maxed guildie so you don't have to worry about expensive costs at the auction house. Tides is maxed in both jewel crafting and enchanting as well as tailoring and leather working.

One awesome way we like to help our guildies is by means of Justice Points and Valor Points bind-on-equip bracers or boots. If you see something you need, write a message to an officer including your name and the exact name of the gear you need and they will make a copy of your message and deposit it into the Plunder tab of the Guild Keep. Anyone willing to donate JP or VP can then take this ticket and purchase your gear. You can read more about the Guild Keep in the appropriate post.

Perpetual Expansion

You may have noticed already, our guild is growing. We now have slightly more than ten guildies that are geared for DS raids. We will start recruiting more until we can build a second raiding team. We could really use tanks and deepsers (especially melee) for our second raid team. The raid times and days may be different for the second raid team. I understand many of us are two hours ahead of server time. Keep an eye out for people you think would make friendly, mature additions to our family.

 Another Way to Receive Perpetual Denarii

The denarius is our guild's form of currency.  For now, we use it to override the Trade Pass Equivalency Charts that govern all transactions done through the Trade Pass tab in the Guild Keep as well as used to purchase exceptionally rare loot found in the Plunder tab.  I am considering implementing a system in the future in which denarii can be used to bid on/purchase Conqueror's Tokens (chest, shoulders, etc.) that drop in heroic raids.  To find out more about the Perpetual Denarius, please refer to the appropriate blog.  You automatically receive denarii for attending guild meetings, team-building exercises and raids.  However, a new way in which you can earn denarii is by reading the guild blog!  That's right, simply reading the guild blog can earn you an easy denarius.  There is a catch, however.  It won't happen with every blog, but randomly I'll insert a spontaneous, bogus word into the blog somewhere that is completely irrelevant to the blog topic.  I won't highlight it either, so it's hard to catch.  Upon finding this word, you must either email Tides at or send him an in-game message within two days of the date the blog was posted.  Any messages after two days will not earn you a denarius.  You can learn more about our guild currency by reading the Perpetual Macella blog post.

 Perpetual Census

We need to do a census right now because many people are putting their alts in our guild.  In order to help us get to know you better and so we can keep track of who's alt belongs to who (this will help greatly especially when you are promoted as well as when we are giving you denarii), please send an in-game message to Tides including your first name/nick name you'd like us to call you in ventrilo and guild chat followed by a list of all your characters in our guild.  Your help in contributing to the organization of our guild is greatly appreciated.

One more important announcement. Our guild transmog contest ends Saturday 12th of May! Refer to the post to find out more. Other than that, we've received a few more new guild recruits. Be sure to check out the resources made available to you on our guild blog, or if you invited your mates into the guild, please remind them to read the guild blog daily for announcements. Thank you all and enjoy your Easter Sunday with your loved ones. Cheers!