Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Perpetual Dragon Soul Heroic Progression Announcements

The Mists of Pandaria expansion will be coming soon this fall and Patch 5.0.4 will be released in the next couple of months to prepare us for the drastic changes to come. If you haven't yet read the new patch notes, here they are:

Patch Notes: 5.0.4 

Many of the guildies have been anticipating DS heroic mode progression, and I urge it as well but in order for us to progress successfully I need to ensure that everyone is geared and well-informed on the strategies.  I will be posting video guides as well as links to the text-based guides on our guild blog.  You can find all the posts on the left-hand side of the guild blog as "heroic raid guides" under the "Label" section.  If I find on a raid night that not everyone in the team has set aside some time to inform themselves of the strategies for the heroic bosses we will take on that night, then I will dismiss the heroic attempt and we will stick to regular mode for that night.  Since we are all willing to tackle heroic mode, it is only fair that everyone is open to taking up a little more responsibility and individual effort.  We strive to maintain a team-oriented environment and the best way to do that is to make sure everyone is contributing to the team.  We will do away with boss intel because it deprives us of so much time on raid nights.

Be sure that you meet all DS raiding requirements for our guild.  They can be found under the label "raiding requirements" on the left-hand side of the guild blog.  You must have at least an average item level of 393+ to join us for heroic mode DS.

Perpetual Raid Teams

We are currently recruiting so that we can have two separate raid teams.  As of today, we still need more deepsers and healers.  On the left-hand side of the guild blog at the top, you will see a poll I've created to see what the raid times will be like for the second raid team, Team B.  For now, while we may not have enough people for the second team, we can resort to having people in Team A join Team B on their separate raid nights with their geared alts.  Once we have enough people to fill the second raid team, we could offer the option to change the raid times and days so that both teams could raid on the same nights.  If everyone is fine with the two raid teams raiding on separate nights and times then we can stick with that option.  I set the poll to end on Saturday, August 11th at 11:59 PM.  You can only choose one option, so choose wisely.  The two raid nights for each team (Thurs & Sat/Fri & Sun) does not necessarily mean that you must show up both nights.  It only means that the latter night is an open option to continue raiding if needed and if everyone on the team is available to do so.  

Heroic Dragon Soul Progression Path

The path we will take toward progression is as follows: 

Morchok > Yorsahj > Ultraxion > Zon'ozz > Hagara > Warmaster

Please note difficulty ramps up from Morchok and depending on your raid strengths and weaknesses or your guilds strengths and weaknesses, you have the option of several bosses after Morchok. Read below for more information. All bosses must be killed on heroic to reach Deathwing Heroic so you don't have a choice there. Most of these bosses are inter-changeable, read the description under each boss and you can decide for yourself.

This is taken directly from MMO-Champion's website and I will include a link to the complete thread:

MMO-Champion's Heroic DS Progression Thread

I suggest we attempt at least one or two heroic modes every week from now on until Mists of Pandaria launch.  Remember, this will go smoother if everyone does their fair share and informs themselves well on the strategies for each encounter.

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