Saturday, March 31, 2012

3.31.12 Announcements

 Today's announcements will cover:
  • the basics of (needed for raid checkups)
  • a couple resources on how to do your research on raid boss fights in preparation before our raid night
  • raid nights poll
  • Perpetual new guild recruit FAQs blog post

  Thanks to everyone that showed up to our first town hall meeting and meeting with the officers for a raid checkup.  If you would like to join us for our Dragon Soul raid at 6:30 PM server time tonight, please make sure you meet with one of the officers (Cirrus rank and up) for a raid checkup.  Just a heads up, I may ask if we are all okay with starting tonight's raid an hour earlier, so perhaps we may start at 5:30 PM server time instead.  

 Please follow these steps so that we can make your raid checkup go faster.

1)  Sign into WoW first and load your main talent spec build and equip your main spec gear set.  Then sign out of the game (you don't have to completely exit).

2)  Go to and under the gear optimizer for Cataclysm, look up your character.  In the gear optimizer screen, click on the green double arrows icon "Reload" to refresh your character's gear on the website.

3)  First thing to do here is to look at the top center of the menu, where it says "Choose a gearing strategy" in tiny blue font.  You want to make sure that whatever strategy is located beneath it is indeed a raiding or PVE (player verse environment) gearing strategy and not a PVP (player verse player) gearing strategy.  For instance my gearing strategy as a protection paladin tank is PvE: Avoidance Cap, Stamina.  If the gearing strategy they have preset for you is wrong, then click on it and you will be brought to a new screen.  Under the "Options" drop down menu at the top, you have a choice between "Raiding," "5 Man Dungeon" and "PvP."  Choose "Raiding" and your list of gearing strategies will change to raiding options below on the right-hand side.  Choose the gearing strategy that works best for you for raiding, then click the green wrench and screwdriver icon "Apply" at the top to confirm your gearing strategy and be brought back to the gear optimizer menu.

4)  Once there, click on the orange gear icon "Change" at the top.  

5)  Under Gem/Enchant/Consumable Options list, find "Use epic gems in", click on the drop-down menu and select "Nothing."  The reason for this is because I know not everyone has all their gear slots filled with ilvl 397 items, so I don't expect you to spend an outrageous amount of gold paying for epic Patch 4.3 gems to gem gear that you will be replacing soon.  

6)  Now make sure to also put a check mark to the left of "Exclude run speed enchants" and be sure to use a more useful enchant such as the +50 mastery boots enchant.

7)  We're finished in this menu, so click on the green wrench and screwdriver icon "Apply" to return to the optimization screen.

8)  On the left-hand side, you'll find your current equipped gear.  On the right-hand side you'll find your current gems, enchants and reforges that you have so far.  Everything that is highlighted in orange is something that needs to be changed in order to optimize your character for raids.  Click on the big "Optimize!" button.

9)  Everything highlighted in green are changes suggested by askmrrobot (based off in order to fully optomize your current equipped gear for raids.  

10)  Once you finish the changes suggested, sign off WoW again and go back to and click on the "Reload" button again to make sure you have made all the correct changes.  If you are fully optimized then you are raid-ready!

I understand enchants are bloody expensive, so find out what mats you need, gather them and speak with Tides to get a free enchant or find out if there are any other maxed guild enchanters online.  Once again, our guild's raiding requirements can be found in our Perpetual Raiding Requirements blog post.

Another vital part about the raid checkup is that you should know the boss fights for the raid you wish to join us with.  Since tonight's raid is Dragon Soul, make sure you know all the fights.  As always, you can find a link to Icy-veins text-based guides on the left-hand side of the guild blog.  I will also post video guides for the first four bosses of DS in the posts below today's announcements post.  Some of them have multiple videos; I don't expect you to watch all multiple versions, only one per raid boss will suffice.  I only post multiple videos because sometimes what's left out of one video guide, another will explain more clearly.  Remember, I've posted video guides for all completed and attempted raid bosses on our former guild blog as well, the LOSTies guild blog.  From now on, I will be posting Dragon Soul and Mists of Pandaria raid boss video guides on this new guild blog. 

Please get to know the boss fights before-hand, they are different from LFR raid difficulty in some ways and it will save us a lot of time when we don't have to do boss intel on raid nights.  Your cooperation and team effort is much appreciated.  Since tonight will be our first raid together as a guild, I am not expecting a miracle.  We are only going in there and testing the water and getting a feel for everyone's play style.  There is always time for improvement and challenging ourselves.  Let the group chemistry ignite...Looking forward to our first raid together!

One more item on the list.  I have reset our raid night poll since we just moved to a new server.  Please be sure to choose which two nights would be the best raid nights for you and we shall choose the two raid nights that work for the majority of the guild.  This poll can be found on the main guild blog page and in the upper left-hand corner.  Please bear in mind that once the poll has ended and we choose one of the two raid night combinations, it will not be set in stone.  The selected raid night combination will only be our top preference.  There may be some weeks where we choose a different combination because of someone's availability for that week.  Also, we will not be doing two raid nights a week every week.  Some weeks we may only do one, it all depends on the availability of guild mates.  Cheers!

One more item on the list.  Yesterday I made a new blog post featuring several frequently asked questions that I'm sure new recruits would ask about.  If you missed it, you can always find it featured on the main guild blog page on the left-hand side under the list titled "Labels."

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