Sunday, April 14, 2013

Announcements 14 April 2013

This could be us. Let's get our own kill shot!
 G'day, Perpetualeans.  Last night the officers had a meeting to discuss changes needed in order to ensure that A and B Team members are serious about the commitments we all made to be consistent with attendance.  Too many people have been missing raid nights.  This baffles me because I've recruited 98% of both A and B Team members and all agreed to be consistent with attendance.  Having to combine both A and B Teams due to no-shows is a pain because we end up with several extra people trying to squeeze into a ten-man team.  Or some nights we have too little even with those that showed up on both teams and we're having to pug just to fill the empty slots.  In order to resolve this issue we have made a minor change to our raid signup protocol.   

Effective immediately, in order to join us for raids, you must sign up by midnight the night before Thursday's raid night.  Late signups will not be tolerated.  Also, even if you are present on raid night and ready to raid, we will not take you if you failed to sign up and we will instead pug to replace your slot.

Our three-strike policy remains the same:  If you fail to sign up before the midnight deadline three times, you forfeit your dedicated slot and will be removed from the raid team and demoted.  The same applies if you fail three times to notify an officer ahead of time (don't wait till last minute or even till after) that you will not be able make your raid night.

Now that we're clear on our raid attendance policy, I'd like to outline for you my plans for our guild after our final pre-Thunder gear check deadline.  As a reminder, here it is:

By Thursday, April 18th we need everyone to be ilvl 490+ for the first two bosses in Throne of Thunder. You must know boss intel for at least the first two bosses in ToT.

I have already posted the guides for the first two bosses in Throne of Thunder.  Most of you have already joined us for our practice rounds of Jin'rokh, so many of you only need to learn the normal mode intel for Horridon.  Be sure to watch/read these guides before Thursday.  This Thursday we will focus solely on the first two bosses in Throne of Thunder.  We will not be switching to any other raids on this night.  The reason is because we need time for us to get everyone together before the raid so the officers can inspect everyone's gear to see if gear has been properly modified.  

The weeks to follow, we will be progressing through HoF in order to get the kill on the final boss, Grand Empress Shek'zeer, so that we can enter Terrace of Endless Springs.  Because of this, I may switch some of the officers among the two teams if one of them has obtained the kill achieve because I think the way it works is that the raid leader has to have had the final boss kill achieve for Grand Empress Shek'zeer so that they may grant their raid entry into ToES.  From now on, our raid nights will consist of the first two bosses in Thunder then on to HoF until we clear it, then our raid nights will progress to the first two bosses in Thunder before switching to ToES.  As we get all our raid team members geared, we can add the third boss in Thunder and do less of ToES until eventually we'll be focusing mainly on Thunder.  

While we are focusing on Thunder progression, it may be nice to put the older raids on farm status.  We could schedule a raid-farm night, say on either Friday or Saturday, on which the two teams can combine because obviously not everyone on both teams will be able or should be able to commit to a third raid night.  These raid-farm nights are purely optional and only serve to allow those who are interested and available on an-off progression schedule night to get more gear.  It also gives our O Team (reserve) members more chances to join us for raiding.

One more announcement, the raid team rosters have been updated on our guild blog so be sure to check it out.  Although, a couple individuals still on there are very close to being removed from the teams because of excessive absences without giving the officers prior notice.  You know who you are, and if you wish to continue raiding with Perpetual, please resolve this.  I'm sure everyone wants to be progressing through Throne of Thunder already, but this is impossible if people who have committed to be reliable raiders are constantly absent on raid nights.  If the Thunder is what you want, then you better damn well prove that you are serious about raiding and show up on raid nights.

Please continue to gear up in these last few days before our final pre-Thunder gear check deadline.  In the months to follow I will be setting new gear check and possibly boss kill deadlines to help motivate the raid teams to continue to strive for excellence.  I will continue to keep these goals at a reasonable pace.  I and the officers have thoroughly enjoyed your presence on raid nights and we wish to see more of you.  I look forward to seeing how far we have come by seeing the rise in gear levels this Thursday night.  Good luck, and see you on raid night.  Cheers!


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