Sunday, May 5, 2013

Announcements 5 May 2013

From left to right: Mira, Eric, Paul, Ken, Kaji, Tides, Mattie, Junior, Ary, Reece.

Guild Name Change

Please see preceding post.
Terrace of Endless Springs Guild Achievement

Look how far we've come!  You proved triumphant over the might of the Sha!  You downed him in just one go last night.  I am proud of everyone's efforts thus far.  All we need now before we can focus solely on our Thunder Crusade is to knock out the guild achievement for Heart of Fear by getting the final kill on Grand Empress Shek'zeer.  Shegrooves (Paul) will continue to extend our raid lock extension to ensure a swift dispatch on the empress so that we can set ToES at the top of our farm status for Sunday nights.

Guild Contest

I've had the grand prize Naga Molten gaming mouse sitting on the top shelf of my closet for almost two weeks now and I am looking forward to shipping it out come June!  I already have an idea of what our contest will be, I just need to bring it up to the officers soon.

Tides' Absence

Due to my final quarter at UCLA, work and final preparations for my Shakespeare play, I will not be present for the following raid nights: May 12, 16, 23, and 30.  On these nights I've designated Frieira (Eric) to tank alongside Hidytwo (Ken).  I've already scheduled the raids for the next three weeks.

Bonus shot: Tides' UI.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Jealous Sky

Last night in ventrilo I explained why I changed our guild name.  The only thing that has changed is our guild name.  Our aim, philosophy and dedication remain the same.  I feel this new name ties in better with the names of the ranks than our former name, Perpetual.  Also, if you look up Perpetual on, you'll find that there are already twenty five guilds sharing the same name.  I want for us to stick out.  If you'll search our new guild name, Jealous Sky, you'll find that we're the sole guild bearing this name.  I have found that a few of you may have been upset by the unexpected guild name change, but honestly I have every right to change the guild name to what I deem best for our guild.  I formed this guild five years ago and only very few of you know the sad events in my life that led to the beginning of this guild.  I have seen this guild form from just two die-hard LOST fans to become a guild about four times our present size that supported three ten-man raid teams on our former server.

I was listening to an old favourite song of mine, Fields of Gold by Sting, and upon hearing my favourite lines of the sun in his jealous sky, there was a twinge in my heart and I instantly thought I had to change our guild name.  It just felt right.  The name––like the song––is a very sad and intimate one.  Beauty through melancholy.  Most see the word "jealous" for its negative connotations.  The way it is used in the lyrics of Sting's song and in our guild name is much different.  There are many ways of interpreting Sting's song and by all means, the song isn't the only reason I chose the guild name but it sure was an inspiration.  The sun can be seen as jealous because he is the most prominent being in the sky and the manner in which he rules the skies is what makes the sky jealous and out of this jealousy we get a beautiful skyscape. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, jealous can be defined as:

Zealous or solicitous for the preservation or well-being of something possessed or esteemed; vigilant or careful in guarding; suspiciously careful or watchful.

The words in this definition are admirable and I think they tie in well with our guild name.  You are all a group of people that I take pride in and care about.  I look forward to every raid night with you or to anytime spent just conversing with you in ventrilo or doing non-raid activities.  The friendly, respectful raid atmosphere that I have always longed for when I first started the game back in Vanilla, I've found in you.  The camaraderie and the challenges of vanquishing raid bosses I found in you.  The laughter, names and nicknames I've learned to inclulcate into my daily vocabulary and the audible smiles in ventrilo I found in you as well.  You are all very much a part of my life albeit digitally yet so much more than that––I know I will remember you and I will take great care to guard our Jealous Sky.

Offer me your sword and spells, and I shall bring you victory.  Offer your companionship, and I shall give you loyalty.  Offer your service, and together we shall gain honour. We are Jealous Sky.

Ken, Mattie, Mira and Tides