Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Announcements 10 September 2013

New Patch, Fresh Start

Based on observance from the last couple weeks of raids, the majority of new guild recruits who have joined us for raids have exhibited very low damage per second and healing output on raid nights for both teams. Many of the damage roles are averaging between 60 and 70K DPS, far below the required minimum of 95K DPS that we ask for on just the first boss in Throne of Thunder.

There is no other way for me to put this nicely and I will not sugarcoat it, but our original ten-man team was doing fine until I split both teams to accommodate new guild recruits. Aside from wanting to reopen our second ten-man team, one of the major reasons I decided to split our original ten-man team into two separate teams was because in the next couple of months I will be executing a career-based decision to move overseas, and by doing so the only way for me to continue raiding with my guildies was to set up another raid team that raided on a separate schedule.

Low performance is not the only issue. Many of you still miss raid nights without giving your raid team officers at least three-day's notice, refuse to register onto our guild community website, forget to sign up for your team's raids, and refuse to learn boss intel before your raid nights. On top of all this, I am seeing a lot of whining and negativity directed at others when these same people are guilty of issues just as bad. Also, several of the new guild recruits have expressed an interest in raiding with our teams at the time I've recruited them and they join our guild only to vanish. I have not seen them sign up for raid nights, I never see them join the guildies for heroics, LFRs, etc. and I sure as hell know that they have not even looked at our guild blog or guild community website. Many of you already on our teams still lack a basic understanding of our guild's rules and raid requirements, all very clearly listed out on this guild blog.

We offer you a raid environment where no one gets called out for mistakes and no one rages against others, we offer you flasks and feasts every raid night and we even offer you free enchants, etc. and quite honestly I've only seen two of you express your thanks to the guild through genuine words of appreciation or donations to the guild keep. Every other guild recruit has only brought us the issues aforementioned.

I'd like to remind you that even though you have been given a slot on our two raid teams, you are all still undergoing our screening period. If you'd like to continue raiding with Jealous Sky, then you need to step up your game. I remind you to check out our guild rules and raiding requirements on the guild blog. Don't go thinking that just because as a GM I'm nice every night even when we wipe that I am going to accept such low performance and constant negativity. I stand ready to remove any that threaten to cripple both our raid teams' performance whether that be through lack of initiative or constant negativity.

Patch 5.4 is upon us, and if you choose to continue raiding with us, now is your last chance to prove you are an effective team member and one that will work hard to bolster our campaign as a guild. At least until next expansion release, this is our only chance to start working on latest raid content at the same time as all other guilds. Why not take this time to redefine yourself? Push your limits. Don't settle for less. Patch 5.4 holds many possibilities for us.  Let us take this time to show both raid teams' potential, and make this an exciting conclusion before we usher in the next expansion.

In an upcoming blog post I will lay out a new progression plan for the guild. We'll aim to add a separate night for flex raiding of Siege of Orgrimmar. Since today is patch release and I'm sure the majority of us will be online, I would like for our guild to have a sneak peek at the first boss in SoO raid, Immerseus. We'll aim for sometime around 8:00 PM server time.  Posted below is not a formal guide, but one that I think best highlights the mechanics of the encounter.

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