Sunday, January 15, 2012

Perpetual Guild Ranks

We are Perpetual.
 As mentioned in the first post of this guild blog, everyone's ranks will be reset to zero. This ensures a completely fair ground on which those interested in ranking up can be assured that they will earn their ranks through contribution to the guild and not just because they've known any of the leaders for a much longer time compared to the rest of the guild.  A great way to start earning trust and ranks in our guild is to get to know your guild mates. Don't just use the guild for its level 25 perks.  When you sign on, greet everyone, or when guild mates sign on, greet them.  Ensure that everyone feels like they belong.  Above all, do your best to help foster a true sense of camaraderie in our guild, for that is what's attracted many to us in the past.  You don't have to be able to raid with us every week to be able to progress through the ranks.  Give back to the guild, don't just ask for things or for help.  Make sure that you are a team player, for every person contributing to our guild in the most effective manner they can will only make us that much stronger.  Listed below are the guild ranks and privileges that are bestowed upon one earning their rank.  Note:  Every higher rank you wish to pursue includes continually meeting all the requirements from the lower ranks in addition to the advanced rank.

Offer me your sword and spells, and I shall bring you victory.  Offer your companionship, and I shall give you loyalty.  Offer your service, and together we shall gain honor. We are Perpetual.


In Latin, nimbus refers to "rain."  Upon joining Perpetual, you are a rain drop.  You have fallen from the realm of wings and ethereal beings and now you must undergo your own trial of ascension.  Fear not, for you are never alone in Perpetual.  We are here to help ensure that you are given a seat amongst friends, brothers and sisters, champions.  You do not need to raid or PvP with us every week.  All we ask of you is that you make an effort to earn our trust and companionship, show that you are worthy of becoming a true comrade.  Follow the requirements set in stone above, and you shall earn your place in the skies.


The first of the two most basic cloud shapes, stratus in Latin means "straight" as in "flat" or "layer."  Fittingly, you are just ascending from ground zero.  To get to this rank, you must have been in Perpetual as an active player for at least over 48 hours, or if you have been demoted in a disciplinary manner, you must have proved that you are eager to work things out and repair the qualities in your character that have earned our trust. 

  •  50 gold guild repair

Cumulus in Latin refers to a "heap," "pile" or "accumulation."  This is the second of the two most basic of cloud shapes.  Cumulus clouds take on an immeasurable variety of shapes that tend to look like animals or people.  You too must be able to weave yourself through the tapestry of Perpetual and take on the basic habits of a team player.

  • Greet everyone in guild chat
  • Contribute Cataclysm trade materials or gold to the Guild Keep at least regularly enough so that officers can see your name appear as donating into the Guild Keep.
  • Show decency and bear the guild name proudly, not sullying its name by immaturity in trade chat or any means beyond the guild.  Prove yourself a character worthy of more than just a recruit.
  • 100 gold guild repair

In Latin, pileus means "skullcap." Such clouds are often found attached to mountain tops.  Individuals of this rank are more likely to be "hired" provisionally when the Altocumulus rank is short on a few for Dragon Soul raids.  To obtain this rank, you must be willing to exert enough force and tackle adversity––traits often found in team players, to reach even the highest of summits. 

  • Be pleasant to all and freely converse with the guild either in guild chat or more ideally, ventrilo.  Do not be a recluse.  One of the primary traits that attracts many to our guild is the true sense of camaraderie we adhere to.
  • Spend time with the guild through raids, heroics, battlegrounds/arenas, guild events.
  • Keep up on current events by reading the guild blog weekly.
  • Contribute to the Guild Keep at least biweekly.  Contributing Cataclysm trade materials and raiding gear would be brilliant. 
  • 150 gold guild repair

Altocumulus are clouds that sail the skies around 20, 000 feet.  Altocumulus clouds on a summer morning typically entail thunderstorms later in the day.  This is the newly designated Progression Raiding Rank.  To be earn this rank, you must master the art of teamwork as the finest of your trades in WoW.  Doing so will show your capacity to bring blood and thunder as we delve into the most formidable of raids.

  • Meet the gear, heal and deeps requirements (soon to be posted on guild blog) for Dragon Soul raids.  Know how to play your class effectively.
  • Be willing to go into off-spec or sit out on a raid to allow others geared enough to join a raid. This is vital.  You must not hold a grudge or get annoyed when this happens.  We may not have enough guild mates geared and informed on the new raid encounters to have two ten-man raid teams for Dragon Soul, so it is only fair to give everyone a chance to raid if they meet the requirements.
  • Know the fights for Dragon Soul Raids
  • Be able to talk in ventrilo.
  • Be able to generally make at least one raid night a week. Real life should always take priority over WoW, so we will not throw a fit if you have to miss any given raid night.
  • Because this rank will be raiding often, you will be entitled to raiding flasks and buff food generously donated from your fellow guild mates.  You must have at least one maxed trade profession and be able to contribute a fair amount of Cataclysm trade materials to the Guild Keep, at least once a week.  For example, one full stack of Cataclysm herbs or ores would be sufficient.

  • 200 gold guild repair
  • Guild invites 

These clouds reign the skies above 18,000 feet.  Cirrus is a Latin term meaning "curl of hair," and they look like elegant locks of hair lounging about in the high altitudes.  Thus, the Cirrus are the officers in the guild.


To be one of the Cirrus, you must have earned the trust of the other officers and proven yourself worthy of leadership of the guild.  We don't ask you to be on 24/7, but we do ask that you are able to be there for the guild when you are signed into the game.  Sure, you are allowed your own free time to yourself, everyone is entitled to that, but if you are habitually off doing your own thing and not contributing to the guild then maybe an officer rank isn't best for you.  Be able to generally make at least one raid night a week and be able to lead a raid through ventrilo, know all raid boss fights and be able to conduct weekly raid checkups and dummy trials with guild mates (as a raid officer) or be able to schedule and maintain weekly PvP guild events and help guild mates farm honor or conquest points (as a PvP officer).  Also, you must have at least one maxed trade profession and be able to contribute Cataclysm trade materials weekly to the Guild Keep.  An example of an acceptable offering would be at least two full stacks of herbs, ores or savage leathers, x40 Embersilk cloth, or a reasonable amount of enchanting materials per week.  As an officer of the guild, you must be willing to help the guild flourish and this shouldn't be too much to ask for.  Additionally, be willing to help keep the Guild Keep organized.  You must be able to make much of the officer meets and be willing to talk in ventrilo and offer input to officer discussions.  Earning the trust of the leaders and the guild mates is vital.  Another important, but not required act is offering to help pay for our guild ventrilo. This is not a service, but consider it an honor.  It is one of the many ways in which you can show your appreciation for your guild mates. 

  • 300 gold guild repair
  • Unlimited Guild Keep withdrawals
  • Guild invites, demotions, kicks
Cumulonimbus:  Chris and Miranda

Cumulonimbus are clouds that span a vast distance, ranging from as low as near the earth's surface to as high as 50,000 feet.  Fittingly, the Cumulonimbus are individuals that are most worthy of leadership and they are humble enough to have earned their ranks without requesting them.  Think of this rank as the consuls back in Roman history.

Halo:  Tides

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