Monday, December 30, 2013

Announcements 30 December 2013

Mandatory Town Hall Meet

Venue: Dragonblight, Northrend
Date: 2 January 2014 (3 Jan. 2014 for our AU/SK guildies)
Time: 8:30 PM server time (Pacific Standard Time)
Notes: Must join ventrilo, no mic required

This will be an end of the month town hall meet in which we discuss raiding with our guild. All levels are welcome and raiders especially are expected to be there. If you cannot make the meet, you must give Tides or Hidytwo a heads up via in-game post, or you will be barred from raiding with the guild. Those of you who cannot make this meet must be able to meet with any of our officers in ventrilo at a later time.

3 January 2013 Raid

For those of you raiding with us this night, please be on time because we will be doing a quick team-building exercise just before the raid.

Tides' Move to Korea

Tides will be moving to South Korea to teach English at a private academy for a year. This coming Friday may be his last raid with the guild for a couple weeks, because a foreigner in Korea cannot get internet set up at home (or open a bank account or purchase a mobile phone) unless one obtains an alien registration card. This process usually takes up to two weeks but worst case scenario it may take a month. Tides' flight to Korea is scheduled this coming Saturday.

Monday, December 23, 2013

Friday, October 4, 2013

Sha of Pride: 10M

This is the fourth boss in Siege of Orgrimmar. You must have a thorough understanding of the mechanics of all bosses we are progressing in order to join us for raids.

  • ilvl requirement for Flex mode: 530+
  • ilvl requirement for Normal mode: 540+
 If you'd like to view a longer, more detailed guide from Gabestah, or you would like to view his guides tailored specifically for tanks, healers or deepsers, visit Gabestah's channel on Youtube and find your appropriate video.

Additionally, here is Icy Vein's text-based guide for Sha of Pride.

Gabestah's Quick Guide

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Norushen: 10M

This is the third boss in Siege of Orgrimmar. You must have a thorough understanding of the mechanics of all bosses we are progressing in order to join us for raids.
  • ilvl requirement for Flex mode: 530+
  • ilvl requirement for Normal mode: 540+
 If you'd like to view a longer, more detailed guide from Gabestah, or you would like to view his guides tailored specifically for tanks, healers or deepsers, visit Gabestah's channel on Youtube and find your appropriate video.

Additionally, here is Icy Vein's text-based guide for Norushen.

Gabestah's Quick Guide

The Fallen Protectors: 10M

This is the second boss in Siege of Orgrimmar. You must have a thorough understanding of the mechanics of all bosses we are progressing in order to join us for raids.
  • ilvl requirement for Flex mode: 530+
  • ilvl requirement for Normal mode: 540+
 If you'd like to view a longer, more detailed guide from Gabestah, or you would like to view his guides tailored specifically for tanks, healers or deepsers, visit Gabestah's channel on Youtube and find your appropriate video.

Additionally, here is Icy Vein's text-based guide for Fallen Protectors.

Gabestah's Quick Guide

Immerseus: 10M

This is the first boss in Siege of Orgrimmar. You must have a thorough understanding of the mechanics of all bosses we are progressing in order to join us for raids.
  • ilvl requirement for Flex mode: 530+
  • ilvl requirement for Normal mode: 540+
 If you'd like to view a longer, more detailed guide from Gabestah, or you would like to view his guides tailored specifically for tanks, healers or deepsers, visit Gabestah's channel on Youtube and find your appropriate video.

Additionally, here is Icy Vein's text-based guide for Immerseus.

Gabestah's Quick Guide

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Announcements 10 September 2013

New Patch, Fresh Start

Based on observance from the last couple weeks of raids, the majority of new guild recruits who have joined us for raids have exhibited very low damage per second and healing output on raid nights for both teams. Many of the damage roles are averaging between 60 and 70K DPS, far below the required minimum of 95K DPS that we ask for on just the first boss in Throne of Thunder.

There is no other way for me to put this nicely and I will not sugarcoat it, but our original ten-man team was doing fine until I split both teams to accommodate new guild recruits. Aside from wanting to reopen our second ten-man team, one of the major reasons I decided to split our original ten-man team into two separate teams was because in the next couple of months I will be executing a career-based decision to move overseas, and by doing so the only way for me to continue raiding with my guildies was to set up another raid team that raided on a separate schedule.

Low performance is not the only issue. Many of you still miss raid nights without giving your raid team officers at least three-day's notice, refuse to register onto our guild community website, forget to sign up for your team's raids, and refuse to learn boss intel before your raid nights. On top of all this, I am seeing a lot of whining and negativity directed at others when these same people are guilty of issues just as bad. Also, several of the new guild recruits have expressed an interest in raiding with our teams at the time I've recruited them and they join our guild only to vanish. I have not seen them sign up for raid nights, I never see them join the guildies for heroics, LFRs, etc. and I sure as hell know that they have not even looked at our guild blog or guild community website. Many of you already on our teams still lack a basic understanding of our guild's rules and raid requirements, all very clearly listed out on this guild blog.

We offer you a raid environment where no one gets called out for mistakes and no one rages against others, we offer you flasks and feasts every raid night and we even offer you free enchants, etc. and quite honestly I've only seen two of you express your thanks to the guild through genuine words of appreciation or donations to the guild keep. Every other guild recruit has only brought us the issues aforementioned.

I'd like to remind you that even though you have been given a slot on our two raid teams, you are all still undergoing our screening period. If you'd like to continue raiding with Jealous Sky, then you need to step up your game. I remind you to check out our guild rules and raiding requirements on the guild blog. Don't go thinking that just because as a GM I'm nice every night even when we wipe that I am going to accept such low performance and constant negativity. I stand ready to remove any that threaten to cripple both our raid teams' performance whether that be through lack of initiative or constant negativity.

Patch 5.4 is upon us, and if you choose to continue raiding with us, now is your last chance to prove you are an effective team member and one that will work hard to bolster our campaign as a guild. At least until next expansion release, this is our only chance to start working on latest raid content at the same time as all other guilds. Why not take this time to redefine yourself? Push your limits. Don't settle for less. Patch 5.4 holds many possibilities for us.  Let us take this time to show both raid teams' potential, and make this an exciting conclusion before we usher in the next expansion.

In an upcoming blog post I will lay out a new progression plan for the guild. We'll aim to add a separate night for flex raiding of Siege of Orgrimmar. Since today is patch release and I'm sure the majority of us will be online, I would like for our guild to have a sneak peek at the first boss in SoO raid, Immerseus. We'll aim for sometime around 8:00 PM server time.  Posted below is not a formal guide, but one that I think best highlights the mechanics of the encounter.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Announcements 22 August 2013

 A and B Teams Effective - 22 August 2013 and Three Strike Policy

** Raid nights have been scheduled for this week. Make sure to sign up for your team's raid nights well before the midnight deadlines. A good number of you have been absent already from your team's raid nights, and a couple of you have not given any of the officers a heads up about your absence. Remember, we require an in-game message through the mailbox to any of your raid team's officers at least three days in advance. More importantly, as mentioned at the time of recruitment, we enforce a strict raid attendance policy––three strikes to be exact. A few of you already face demotion from our raid team ranks.  Although we are strict with attendance, it is not as bad as it sounds. We understand real life obligations should be a priority and don't mind you missing raid nights even if it's just to take a break outside of game, as long as your absences don't become habitual and as long as you are giving us three day's notice. Please refer to our raid rules posts for further details.**

Both teams have a few empty slots, please refer to the rosters and notes at the bottom of this post.

Make sure you are fully gemmed, enchanted and know intel for the first four bosses in Throne of Thunder by the end of this week, and by your team's first raid night of next week be sure you are well informed on the intel for the next four bosses––all provided here on the guild blog. Simply click on the "raid guides" link on the left-hand side of the blog.

Guild Rank Ups and Demotions Deadline

All new recruits who have undergone an actual team enrollment meeting with our officers and have been placed onto our raid teams have been ranked up to either Pileus A, Pileus B, or Cumulus ranks, depending on which team they have been placed onto (A, B, or O). However, several of you have not yet registered onto our guild community website––an absolute must if you wish to continue being on our raid teams. Registration is free and easy, there should be no excuse to not be a registered member on our guild community website if you plan to raid with our guild. The deadline for registering on our guild community website is by 11:59 PM server time on 31 August 2013. Failure to do so will result in demotion to lowest guild rank (no guild repairs). As for those of you who spoke with an officer, make sure you make an actual enrollment appointment with your designated officer.  To find out who your designated officer is, refer to our raid team enrollment post.

Inviting Alts Rule

I kindly remind everyone that it is a guild rule to not allow alts into guild until someone has been with us for a month and has committed to being either a designated member on our A or B raid teams or has enlisted as a backup raider on our O Team.

Ventrilo Chat Rule

It is listed in our guild rules that we are to keep ventrilo chat family friendly. We enforce this because many of our guildies have children that could be within earshot or sneaking around past bedtime. 

* While all these rules and restrictions may seem overwhelming when listed out in front of you, keep in mind these serve a purpose. We enforce them to ensure that raid nights are productive and pleasant for our team members. Although we are not an elitist or hardcore guild, there needs to be tradeoffs to ensure discipline and effectiveness while at the same time not preventing everyone from having a good time.

Jealous Sky Raid Team Rosters 2013


  • A Team is recruiting x1 tank heals
  • A Team currently has no battle rezzes and even if the last heal slot happens to be filled in by a druid I would like to have at least one of our hunters bring an exotic pet with the ability to battle rez.  Tyler or Creep please meet with Tides or Ken if you choose to volunteer.
  • B Team is recruiting x2 tanks and x1 deeps
  • The missing heals slot on B Team has two guildies vying for the same slot. Make sure you are able to commit to this team's raid schedule and you have no PvP gear on then meet with either Paul or Mira to obtain this last slot.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Primordius: 10M

To join our guild for the following four bosses after Tortos in Throne of Thunder, you must have an average item level of at least 505+ (absolutely no PvP gear). Raiding requirements can be found through the "raiding requirements" label on the left-hand side of the guild blog. I am providing you with two options to inform yourself on the strategy for Primordius: by the video posted below or the notes included in the link below. If you opt to watch the video guide, be sure to take notes. If you'd rather read the strategy, here is the link:

Primordius: 10M

Throne of Thunder is a new challenge for Jealous Sky.  I would like for us to strive for excellence.  I will start to ensure that everyone does their fair share and informs themselves well on the strategy.  We are in a guild that promotes a team-oriented raiding atmosphere and it is only fair that everyone is well-informed.  Having to explain boss intel before fights takes up too much time.  If I find that people are not able to set aside some time and inform themselves on boss strategies, then we will skip the bosses people are uninformed on.  Please do your best to not let the team down; if we are all aiming at heroic progression then we need to be open to a little more responsibility and effort.

Gabestah's Guide

Durumu the Forgotten: 10M

To join our guild for the following four bosses after Tortos in Throne of Thunder, you must have an average item level of at least 505+ (absolutely no PvP gear). Raiding requirements can be found through the "raiding requirements" label on the left-hand side of the guild blog. I am providing you with two options to inform yourself on the strategy for Durumu the Forgotten: by the video posted below or the notes included in the link below. If you opt to watch the video guide, be sure to take notes. If you'd rather read the strategy, here is the link:

Durumu the Forgotten: 10M

Throne of Thunder is a new challenge for Jealous Sky.  I would like for us to strive for excellence.  I will start to ensure that everyone does their fair share and informs themselves well on the strategy.  We are in a guild that promotes a team-oriented raiding atmosphere and it is only fair that everyone is well-informed.  Having to explain boss intel before fights takes up too much time.  If I find that people are not able to set aside some time and inform themselves on boss strategies, then we will skip the bosses people are uninformed on.  Please do your best to not let the team down; if we are all aiming at heroic progression then we need to be open to a little more responsibility and effort.

Gabestah's Guide

Ji-Kun: 10M

To join our guild for the following four bosses after Tortos in Throne of Thunder, you must have an average item level of at least 505+ (absolutely no PvP gear). Raiding requirements can be found through the "raiding requirements" label on the left-hand side of the guild blog. I am providing you with two options to inform yourself on the strategy for Ji-Kun: by the video posted below or the notes included in the link below. If you opt to watch the video guide, be sure to take notes. If you'd rather read the strategy, here is the link:

Ji-Kun: 10M

Throne of Thunder is a new challenge for Jealous Sky.  I would like for us to strive for excellence.  I will start to ensure that everyone does their fair share and informs themselves well on the strategy.  We are in a guild that promotes a team-oriented raiding atmosphere and it is only fair that everyone is well-informed.  Having to explain boss intel before fights takes up too much time.  If I find that people are not able to set aside some time and inform themselves on boss strategies, then we will skip the bosses people are uninformed on.  Please do your best to not let the team down; if we are all aiming at heroic progression then we need to be open to a little more responsibility and effort.

Gabestah's Guide

Megaera: 10M

To join our guild for the following four bosses after Tortos in Throne of Thunder, you must have an average item level of at least 505+ (absolutely no PvP gear). Raiding requirements can be found through the "raiding requirements" label on the left-hand side of the guild blog. I am providing you with two options to inform yourself on the strategy for Megaera: by the video posted below or the notes included in the link below. If you opt to watch the video guide, be sure to take notes. If you'd rather read the strategy, here is the link:

Megaera: 10M

Throne of Thunder is a new challenge for Jealous Sky.  I would like for us to strive for excellence.  I will start to ensure that everyone does their fair share and informs themselves well on the strategy.  We are in a guild that promotes a team-oriented raiding atmosphere and it is only fair that everyone is well-informed.  Having to explain boss intel before fights takes up too much time.  If I find that people are not able to set aside some time and inform themselves on boss strategies, then we will skip the bosses people are uninformed on.  Please do your best to not let the team down; if we are all aiming at heroic progression then we need to be open to a little more responsibility and effort.

Gabestah's Guide

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

New Guild Recruits (Nimbus Dossier)

New Guild Recruits 

* A few of you still have PvP gear equipped.  We can help you replace those but you must put in some time to join us for heroics, LFR or lower tier raids. We can also help through crafting, enchanting, inscription and gemming but you must be willing to pitch in materials or a fair amount of gold. Remember, our raids require full PvE gear and you must have all proper gear modifications (i.e. gems, enchants, reforges). 
* Listed above alongside your names is the experience you have in this expansion's raids. As everyone undergoes our screening process, your previous raid experience or lack thereof is not a major factor in selection for being given your own designated slot on our ten-man raid team. We place higher value on consistent raid attendance, team player attitude, and investing time outside game to learn boss intel. Also, just because you aren't selected for our first ten-man raid team, don't worry because come next patch, flexible raids go live and have a separate raid lockout from normal and heroic raid modes.  We will also be forming a second ten-man raid team as we had on our previous server. 
* MIA means you have not been active with the guild recently. 

Jealous Sky welcomes you.  We are glad to have you in our midst and would be honored to have you raid alongside us once you have received your designated raid team slot.  All new recruits undergo a screening period which lasts no longer than a month.  During this time, the officers will be looking for the following things:
  • consistent raid attendance (if you have to be absent, you must give Tides or any of the officers written correspondence via in-game mail, at least three days in advance)
  • signing up for raids well before the midnight deadline for raid nights (midnight prior to each raid night)
  • proper gear modification
  • ability to contribute to and help preserve our friendly team-based raid atmosphere
  • invests time outside of game to learn raid boss intel (provided on our guild blog or you may find your own)
  • communicates with and spends time with other guild mates even outside of raid nights (you'll be raiding with us after all, so it's better to get to know your teammates)
Our raids for the next two weeks have already been scheduled. Be sure to sign up for our raids through the in-game calendar. 
As of now, we are recruiting to fill x1 tank heals slot, x1 raid heals slot, x1 melee deeps slot and x1 ranged deeps slot, at least until Patch 5.4 goes live (soon!) and the restrictions on 10-man teams are lifted significantly (allowing us to have anywhere between 10 and 25 raiders.  If after the screening process has passed and you were not chosen at this time due to no room, then you are most welcome to join us come Patch 5.4.  At that time I will open up our second ten-man raid team if I see that the new recruits are willing to commit to consistent raid attendance. We look forward to raiding with you!

Listed below are some helpful links.  If you are seriously considering obtaining your own designated slot on our raid team, I highly suggest you set aside some time and read through all these links.
* For future reference, all these links can always be found on the main page of our guild blog, on the left-hand side.

Offer me your sword and spells, and I shall bring you victory.  Offer your companionship, and I shall give you loyalty.  Offer your service, and together we shall gain honour. We are Jealous Sky.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Tortos: 10M

To join our guild for the first four bosses in Throne of Thunder, you must have an average item level of at least 500+ (absolutely no PvP gear). Raiding requirements can be found through the "raiding requirements" label on the left-hand side of the guild blog. I am providing you with two options to inform yourself on the strategy for Tortos: by the video posted below or the notes included in the link below. If you opt to watch the video guide, be sure to take notes. If you'd rather read the strategy, here is the link:

Tortos: 10M

Mists of Pandaria is a new challenge for Jealous Sky.  I would like for us to strive for excellence.  I will start to ensure that everyone does their fair share and informs themselves well on the strategy.  We are in a guild that promotes a team-oriented raiding atmosphere and it is only fair that everyone is well-informed.  Having to explain boss intel before fights takes up too much time.  If I find that people are not able to set aside some time and inform themselves on boss strategies, then we will skip the bosses people are uninformed on.  Please do your best to not let the team down; if we are all aiming at heroic progression then we need to be open to a little more responsibility and effort.

Gabestah's Guide

Council of Elders: 10M

To join our guild for the first three bosses in Throne of Thunder, you must have an average item level of at least 490+ (absolutely no PvP gear). Raiding requirements can be found through the "raiding requirements" label on the left-hand side of the guild blog. I am providing you with two options to inform yourself on the strategy for Council of Elders: by the video posted below or the notes included in the link below. If you opt to watch the video guide, be sure to take notes. If you'd rather read the strategy, here is the link:

Council of Elders: 10M

Mists of Pandaria is a new challenge for Jealous Sky.  I would like for us to strive for excellence.  I will start to ensure that everyone does their fair share and informs themselves well on the strategy.  We are in a guild that promotes a team-oriented raiding atmosphere and it is only fair that everyone is well-informed.  Having to explain boss intel before fights takes up too much time.  If I find that people are not able to set aside some time and inform themselves on boss strategies, then we will skip the bosses people are uninformed on.  Please do your best to not let the team down; if we are all aiming at heroic progression then we need to be open to a little more responsibility and effort.

Gabestah's Guide

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Announcements 5 May 2013

From left to right: Mira, Eric, Paul, Ken, Kaji, Tides, Mattie, Junior, Ary, Reece.

Guild Name Change

Please see preceding post.
Terrace of Endless Springs Guild Achievement

Look how far we've come!  You proved triumphant over the might of the Sha!  You downed him in just one go last night.  I am proud of everyone's efforts thus far.  All we need now before we can focus solely on our Thunder Crusade is to knock out the guild achievement for Heart of Fear by getting the final kill on Grand Empress Shek'zeer.  Shegrooves (Paul) will continue to extend our raid lock extension to ensure a swift dispatch on the empress so that we can set ToES at the top of our farm status for Sunday nights.

Guild Contest

I've had the grand prize Naga Molten gaming mouse sitting on the top shelf of my closet for almost two weeks now and I am looking forward to shipping it out come June!  I already have an idea of what our contest will be, I just need to bring it up to the officers soon.

Tides' Absence

Due to my final quarter at UCLA, work and final preparations for my Shakespeare play, I will not be present for the following raid nights: May 12, 16, 23, and 30.  On these nights I've designated Frieira (Eric) to tank alongside Hidytwo (Ken).  I've already scheduled the raids for the next three weeks.

Bonus shot: Tides' UI.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Jealous Sky

Last night in ventrilo I explained why I changed our guild name.  The only thing that has changed is our guild name.  Our aim, philosophy and dedication remain the same.  I feel this new name ties in better with the names of the ranks than our former name, Perpetual.  Also, if you look up Perpetual on, you'll find that there are already twenty five guilds sharing the same name.  I want for us to stick out.  If you'll search our new guild name, Jealous Sky, you'll find that we're the sole guild bearing this name.  I have found that a few of you may have been upset by the unexpected guild name change, but honestly I have every right to change the guild name to what I deem best for our guild.  I formed this guild five years ago and only very few of you know the sad events in my life that led to the beginning of this guild.  I have seen this guild form from just two die-hard LOST fans to become a guild about four times our present size that supported three ten-man raid teams on our former server.

I was listening to an old favourite song of mine, Fields of Gold by Sting, and upon hearing my favourite lines of the sun in his jealous sky, there was a twinge in my heart and I instantly thought I had to change our guild name.  It just felt right.  The name––like the song––is a very sad and intimate one.  Beauty through melancholy.  Most see the word "jealous" for its negative connotations.  The way it is used in the lyrics of Sting's song and in our guild name is much different.  There are many ways of interpreting Sting's song and by all means, the song isn't the only reason I chose the guild name but it sure was an inspiration.  The sun can be seen as jealous because he is the most prominent being in the sky and the manner in which he rules the skies is what makes the sky jealous and out of this jealousy we get a beautiful skyscape. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, jealous can be defined as:

Zealous or solicitous for the preservation or well-being of something possessed or esteemed; vigilant or careful in guarding; suspiciously careful or watchful.

The words in this definition are admirable and I think they tie in well with our guild name.  You are all a group of people that I take pride in and care about.  I look forward to every raid night with you or to anytime spent just conversing with you in ventrilo or doing non-raid activities.  The friendly, respectful raid atmosphere that I have always longed for when I first started the game back in Vanilla, I've found in you.  The camaraderie and the challenges of vanquishing raid bosses I found in you.  The laughter, names and nicknames I've learned to inclulcate into my daily vocabulary and the audible smiles in ventrilo I found in you as well.  You are all very much a part of my life albeit digitally yet so much more than that––I know I will remember you and I will take great care to guard our Jealous Sky.

Offer me your sword and spells, and I shall bring you victory.  Offer your companionship, and I shall give you loyalty.  Offer your service, and together we shall gain honour. We are Jealous Sky.

Ken, Mattie, Mira and Tides


Monday, April 29, 2013

Announcements 29 April 2013

From left to right:  Reece, Eric, Mattie, Ryann, Caleb, Ken, Tides, Paul, Junior, Ary.  Pre-kill shot!

   Congratulations on our first run through Terrace of Endless Springs last night!  I should mention that although I made a bold move in having us do the elite kill order on Protectors of the Endless, you all bolstered my faith in you as a raid team. Your efforts were excellent and I am sure when we return next Sunday our eyes shall behold the Sha's booty, both his ilvl booty and his rump roast.  I'd like to give a shout out to Reese (Warpower) for being the first in guild to win a loot drop via lottery roll.  Tonight's lottery number was 74.  Along with the shoulder token drop, he was allotted 1000 gold from the Guild Keep.  Also, I missed raid chat to notice, but Eric's (Frieira) birthday just passed. Happy belated birthday to you, Eric!

The raiding announcements for this week are as follows:

Dismissal of B Team

  Due to constant absences,  I have decided to dissolve B Team.  I have issued many warnings via ventrilo, the guild blog and our guild community website and yet a large number have failed to comply with our simple raid attendance protocols.  As I am busy with my final quarter as a senior at university as well as a Shakespeare production and work on the side, I do not have sufficient time to deal with recruiting to fill the many empty slots on B Team and spending time with said new recruits to make sure they understand and are serious with committing to a team.  At least until I graduate this June, B Team shall remain obsolete.  I have updated the team roster on the guild blog and you will notice that there are eleven people listed.  Over the course of this last week of April and all of May I will be observing raid attendance and whoever falls short I will have to ask to step down and continue to raid with us as an O Team member at least until June when I reintroduce B Team and start recruiting.

Gear Modification

In order to prevent late raid starts, I require everyone to come to raid night prepared not only through an excellent understanding of boss intel, but to show up with gear fully and properly modified. I shouldn't even have to remind you of this, because these are listed in our raid team rules.   If the situation arises where someone is missing proper gems or enchants, I would rather pug someone to replace your slot.  This may be strict but in order to alleviate this, we will do as much as we can to help you with the gems and enchants as long as you approach the officers well in advance, not the night of the raid.  However, do not take advantage of guildies.  I and the officers are keen on who is contributing to the Guild Keep or to other guildies through enchants or gems and if we notice that all you do is take free gems and enchants without repaying through fair trade or contributing Mists of Pandaria trade materials such as herbs, ores, gems, leathers, windwool cloth, items for disenchanting/enchanting, etc, then we will ask you to find another means of obtaining gems or enchants.  If we are aiming for progression, then every ounce of damage or healing counts.  It is not fair to other team mates if we have to halt our raid start to spend time cutting gems and applying enchants.

Raid Progression Plan

I plan for our guild to progress through Throne of Thunder at a reasonable pace.  Before we can focus on just Thunder, I want us to get the Grand Empress Shek'zeer kill in Heart of Fear first, so that we can enter Terrace of Endless Springs without having to rely on Paul (Shegrooves) solely to gain passage because there may come a night when Paul may not be able to raid with us.  As we prepare for Thunder progression, I propose to you a three phase plan:

A Phase (aka GES phase):  Grand Empress Shek'zeer & Horridon not yet terminated

Thursdays, 7 - 10 PM server ~ First x1 hour to be spent in Thunder on Jin'rokh, Death's Crossing (I've deemed the bridge worthy of its own name), and Horridon.  Remaining x2 hours to be spent in Heart of Fear.  HoF raid lock to be kept extended as long as possible to hasten our Grand Empress Shek'zeer kill.  No raid locks on Thunder to allow us more gear drops.

Sundays, 7 - 9 PM server ~ Unless Paul is not able to raid with us, then we will focus solely on ToES.  The raid lock will not be extended because this raid already seems to be very manageable within our two hour frame.  If Paul is not able to raid with us, we will focus solely on HoF.

B Phase (aka Perpetual Flings phase):  GES terminated but not yet Horridon

Thursdays, 7 - 10 PM server ~ First x2 hours to be spent in Thunder.  Remaining x1 hour to be spent on as much of ToES as possible.

Sundays, 7 - 9 PM server ~ ToES alone, continuing from where we leave off on Thursday.

C Phase (aka Thunder Crusade):  Horridon dispatched

Thursdays, 7 - 10 PM server ~ Strictly Thunder progression

Sundays, 7 - 9 PM server ~ ToES alone

* A reminder about guild calendar signups - Simply sign up prior to the midnight deadline for BOTH Thursday and Sunday.  This means that if you plan to join us for Thursday, sign up the midnight prior to Thursday's raid night if you wish to join us.  If you plan to join us for Sunday, sign up the midnight prior to Sunday's raid night.  Absolutely no late signups tolerated.  Also, if you sign up and don't show up, that still counts as a breach of our three strike raid attendance policy.

Beyond our three phase plan, we will shift our focus to Thunder alone for both Thursdays and Sundays to speed our guild progression.  ToES will then be put on farm list along with HoF and MV, which brings me to my next announcement.

Farm Nights

I mentioned in the last announcement post that I would like for us to have another means of raiding beyond our normal raid schedule.  This can be employed through farm nights, in which we do the older raids to help gear alts, allow O Team members to raid more often with us, or just an easy way to gain valor points.  I will need at least one officer to lead these nights so that access to the Guild Keep is available for flasks and to ensure that the friendly and respectful raid atmosphere that we have grown to love can be preserved even in the midst of pugs.  These will be scheduled in the raid calendar as non-progression nights and because they are not required of the raid team members there will be no penalties for late signups.

I would like to take the time to thank those of you who have remained committed raid team members.  I want you to realize that you are what makes our guild strong and your efforts thus far are noteworthy and admirable.  Cheers!

Offer me your sword and spells, and I shall bring you victory.  Offer your companionship, and I shall give you loyalty.  Offer your service, and together we shall gain honour. We are Perpetual.

Ken, Mattie, Mira and Tides

Bonus shot: Tides' UI

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

First Jin'rokh Kill and Sneak Peek at Upcoming Guild Contest

From L to R: Arystania, Mirandah, Frieira, Shegrooves, Hidytwo, Lildeadman, Tidesroyale, Fistbumps, Blackrocks, Bearlystrong.

  Here is a kill shot from our first guild only Jin'rokh the Breaker kill.  Congratulations, Perpetualeans!  Thank you for your hard efforts.  This kill was last Thursday 18th and was done through the combined efforts of A and B Teams because B Team was missing too many signups.  On a serious note, I am warning everyone right now that your absences and late signups do not go unnoticed.  In order to counter this, the officers have tweaked our guild calendar raid signup rule to be more convenient as far as signups go however it is also very strict.  In order to join your team for their raid nights you must sign up before midnight prior to your two raid nights, Thursday and the Sunday following.  Consult the earlier post about this new rule for a more detailed description as well as my plans for our progression now that we have reached our final pre-Thunder gear check deadline.

  Last Thursday I announced on raid night that Perpetual has been known to hold many contests that award fine prizes such as your choice of mount or pet from the online Blizzard store, and that we are due to have another one soon.  With this next contest I decided on a very handsome grand prize, a Razer Naga gaming mouse, the Razer Naga Molten to be exact.  Due to the expensive cost of this prize I will have to restrict grand prize eligibility only to those on our raid teams (and sorry, just as in our past contests, officers are not eligible) and only to those that have exceptional attendance for the next month of May.  The second and third prizes are open to all guild members except officers.  More details on our upcoming contest will be provided after the officers decide on the contest rules.  Posted below is a direct link to the gaming mouse grand prize.  Cheers!

Razer Naga Molten

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Announcements 14 April 2013

This could be us. Let's get our own kill shot!
 G'day, Perpetualeans.  Last night the officers had a meeting to discuss changes needed in order to ensure that A and B Team members are serious about the commitments we all made to be consistent with attendance.  Too many people have been missing raid nights.  This baffles me because I've recruited 98% of both A and B Team members and all agreed to be consistent with attendance.  Having to combine both A and B Teams due to no-shows is a pain because we end up with several extra people trying to squeeze into a ten-man team.  Or some nights we have too little even with those that showed up on both teams and we're having to pug just to fill the empty slots.  In order to resolve this issue we have made a minor change to our raid signup protocol.   

Effective immediately, in order to join us for raids, you must sign up by midnight the night before Thursday's raid night.  Late signups will not be tolerated.  Also, even if you are present on raid night and ready to raid, we will not take you if you failed to sign up and we will instead pug to replace your slot.

Our three-strike policy remains the same:  If you fail to sign up before the midnight deadline three times, you forfeit your dedicated slot and will be removed from the raid team and demoted.  The same applies if you fail three times to notify an officer ahead of time (don't wait till last minute or even till after) that you will not be able make your raid night.

Now that we're clear on our raid attendance policy, I'd like to outline for you my plans for our guild after our final pre-Thunder gear check deadline.  As a reminder, here it is:

By Thursday, April 18th we need everyone to be ilvl 490+ for the first two bosses in Throne of Thunder. You must know boss intel for at least the first two bosses in ToT.

I have already posted the guides for the first two bosses in Throne of Thunder.  Most of you have already joined us for our practice rounds of Jin'rokh, so many of you only need to learn the normal mode intel for Horridon.  Be sure to watch/read these guides before Thursday.  This Thursday we will focus solely on the first two bosses in Throne of Thunder.  We will not be switching to any other raids on this night.  The reason is because we need time for us to get everyone together before the raid so the officers can inspect everyone's gear to see if gear has been properly modified.  

The weeks to follow, we will be progressing through HoF in order to get the kill on the final boss, Grand Empress Shek'zeer, so that we can enter Terrace of Endless Springs.  Because of this, I may switch some of the officers among the two teams if one of them has obtained the kill achieve because I think the way it works is that the raid leader has to have had the final boss kill achieve for Grand Empress Shek'zeer so that they may grant their raid entry into ToES.  From now on, our raid nights will consist of the first two bosses in Thunder then on to HoF until we clear it, then our raid nights will progress to the first two bosses in Thunder before switching to ToES.  As we get all our raid team members geared, we can add the third boss in Thunder and do less of ToES until eventually we'll be focusing mainly on Thunder.  

While we are focusing on Thunder progression, it may be nice to put the older raids on farm status.  We could schedule a raid-farm night, say on either Friday or Saturday, on which the two teams can combine because obviously not everyone on both teams will be able or should be able to commit to a third raid night.  These raid-farm nights are purely optional and only serve to allow those who are interested and available on an-off progression schedule night to get more gear.  It also gives our O Team (reserve) members more chances to join us for raiding.

One more announcement, the raid team rosters have been updated on our guild blog so be sure to check it out.  Although, a couple individuals still on there are very close to being removed from the teams because of excessive absences without giving the officers prior notice.  You know who you are, and if you wish to continue raiding with Perpetual, please resolve this.  I'm sure everyone wants to be progressing through Throne of Thunder already, but this is impossible if people who have committed to be reliable raiders are constantly absent on raid nights.  If the Thunder is what you want, then you better damn well prove that you are serious about raiding and show up on raid nights.

Please continue to gear up in these last few days before our final pre-Thunder gear check deadline.  In the months to follow I will be setting new gear check and possibly boss kill deadlines to help motivate the raid teams to continue to strive for excellence.  I will continue to keep these goals at a reasonable pace.  I and the officers have thoroughly enjoyed your presence on raid nights and we wish to see more of you.  I look forward to seeing how far we have come by seeing the rise in gear levels this Thursday night.  Good luck, and see you on raid night.  Cheers!


Horridon: 10M

To join our guild for the first two bosses in Throne of Thunder, you must have an average item level of at least 490+ (absolutely no PvP gear). Raiding requirements can be found through the "raiding requirements" label on the left-hand side of the guild blog. I am providing you with two options to inform yourself on the strategy for Throne of Thunder: by the video posted below or the notes included in the link below. If you opt to watch the video guide, be sure to take notes. If you'd rather read the strategy, here is the link:

Horridon: 10M

Mists of Pandaria is a new challenge for Jealous Sky.  I would like for us to strive for excellence.  I will start to ensure that everyone does their fair share and informs themselves well on the strategy.  We are in a guild that promotes a team-oriented raiding atmosphere and it is only fair that everyone is well-informed.  Having to explain boss intel before fights takes up too much time.  If I find that people are not able to set aside some time and inform themselves on boss strategies, then we will skip the bosses people are uninformed on.  Please do your best to not let the team down; if we are all aiming at heroic progression then we need to be open to a little more responsibility and effort.

Gabestah's Guide

Jin'rokh the Breaker: 10M

To join our guild for the first two bosses in Throne of Thunder, you must have an average item level of at least 490+ (absolutely no PvP gear). Raiding requirements can be found through the "raiding requirements" label on the left-hand side of the guild blog. I am providing you with two options to inform yourself on the strategy for Throne of Thunder: by the video posted below or the notes included in the link below. If you opt to watch the video guide, be sure to take notes. If you'd rather read the strategy, here is the link:

Jin'rokh the Breaker: 10M

Mists of Pandaria is a new challenge for Jealous Sky.  I would like for us to strive for excellence.  I will start to ensure that everyone does their fair share and informs themselves well on the strategy.  We are in a guild that promotes a team-oriented raiding atmosphere and it is only fair that everyone is well-informed.  Having to explain boss intel before fights takes up too much time.  If I find that people are not able to set aside some time and inform themselves on boss strategies, then we will skip the bosses people are uninformed on.  Please do your best to not let the team down; if we are all aiming at heroic progression then we need to be open to a little more responsibility and effort.

Gabestah's Guide

Monday, April 1, 2013

Announcements 1 April 2013

"Perpetual, you shall not pass!" ~ Sha of Fear
G'day, Perpetualeans.  Many of you have missed more than three raid nights (remember, three-strike raid attendance policy) without giving any officers a heads up by means of in-game correspondence and have thus forfeited your raid slots.  The raid team rosters have been updated on this guild blog, simply click on the label "raid teams" on the left-hand side of the guild blog. A Team is missing one ranged deeps and B Team is missing a restoration shaman (much needed for the Blood Lust).

Our first gear check deadline has already passed and our upcoming gear check deadlines are:

  • By Thursday, April 4th we need everyone to be ilvl 485+ for Terrace of Endless springs.  You must know all boss intel for ToES.
  • By Thursday, April 18th we need everyone to be ilvl 490+ for the first two bosses in Throne of Thunder. You must know boss intel for at least the first two bosses in ToT.
 In the time between the two deadlines we will either be doing Heart of Fear or Terrace of Endless Springs to help score gear for the team members but more importantly we will start doing Throne of Thunder garbo runs.  These are runs in which we'll go to kill garbo mobs inside Throne of Thunder to gain reputation with the Shado-Pan Assault so that we can access shiny new loot through their quartermasters.  If you are already capped on the reputation then you can still come in to gain epic loot drops from the garbo mobs or just hone your raid skills because the garbo mobs even in LFR mode are intense.  You may want to refer to these two links:

Because of the new raid team compositions, I have changed the partners you are assigned to.  The new partner assignments are listed at the bottom of this post.  I am not asking you two to do much, just get together for an hour or two at least once a week and help each other through dailies, heroics, or crafting professions.  We already do this as a guild (and if you aren't joining us for them then you should), but I'd like for you to pay special attention to your assigned partner.  You are then to meet with any of our officers in ventrilo for just a minute or two to let us know how your gear is looking.  We will be inspecting you on WoW Armory throughout the weeks and we want to know what you have accomplished in one week's time.  Throughout the weeks to come I will be meeting with the partner teams as well as everyone individually to chat you about your position in our guild and on our raid teams.  Take these partner systems seriously, it's not much to ask for.  We are not an elitist guild, but we are a team-building guild.  Everyone I recruited was told this from the start and if you are not liking any of this then you are welcome to leave.

There are two things I really need to mention about gearing concerns:

  1. A few of you have been equipping PvP gear in order to be eligible to enter the higher ilvl LFRs in order to obtain gear.  While I appreciate the idea of you doing so for a higher chance of obtaining gear through LFRs, this is absolutely forbidden in our raids, and I've mentioned this before as well as posted it clearly in the guild rules blog post.  Do your best to replace your PvP gear ASAP.  You are giving up very useful secondary stats for PvP stats which are obsolete in a raid environment and it is detrimental to your healing or deeps output.
  2.  I have noticed some of you working on alts.  There is nothing wrong with this and by all means we always tell everyone to play the class they enjoy most but as a registered A or B Team member you have given your consent to reaching the gear check deadlines I've established.  By working on your alts when you should be getting your gear up, you are letting your teammates down.  The gear check deadlines are there for a reason––to get us into Throne of Thunder raids ASAP.

 There are four things I need to mention about raiding improvement:

  1. In the last announcements blog post I mentioned about doing spontaneous boss intel checks to make sure people are either watching or reading the boss intel guides.  While I haven't done them yet, don't think I am going easy on you.  I do 100% of the recruiting for our guild and I know that everyone who joined our guild is here because they would like to raid successfully with a guild that preserves a friendly, team-building environment.  We are in no way an elitist guild and I will never let our guild take that path but as guild leader and out of respect for everyone's desire for progression without the cost of a friendly, respectful atmosphere, I will ensure team-building initiatives.  So do your boss intel, meet with your newly assigned partner at least once a week and let the officers know once a week about your gear progress (anything from new gear, modifications, new rotations, etc.), and continue signing up for your raid nights in the in-game calendar at least three days in advance.  These are all simple tasks and if you think they are too much or if they seem elitist to you, then we are not on the same page.
  2. Have fun.  Many of you are new to the raids, or to raiding in general.  I assure you, we are an optimal guild for you to start learning the raids with.  As long as you are doing everything listed above, you'll do fine.  Don't worry if you make mistakes.  We all do.  But don't feel ashamed.  As long as you are willing to learn and put in the time, that's all that matters.  
  3. I have been looking at the heals and deeps per second on Recount addon and some of you could be doing heaps more for the gear you're in.  Calling people out in raids is not really my style as a leader.  Make sure you have the proper gear modifications.  Websites like askmrrobot and noxxic are very good for this.  Or you could be having trouble with your rotation or talents.  Consult noxxic, icy-veins, or mikepreach on Youtube.  If I continue to see low heals or deeps for the gear you're in, I will chat you privately and see if I could get someone in guild to help you out.  We are all a part of a team, and we are most willing to help you out because in the end it will make us stronger and more optimal as raid teams.
  4. Some of you have been leaving raid nights well before the scheduled end time, many of the times you are leaving thirty minutes before 10 PM server.  All of you agreed to the scheduled raid time of Thursdays and Sundays from 7 to 10 PM server.  I understand if someone needs to drop raid because of real life obligations or something comes up, but you did agree to the schedule times and I am seeing people leave excessively.  This is not fair to the rest of the team because we have to stop raid and pug since most cases the people on our reserve team are not online.  Please plan accordingly on raid nights, make sure you finish tasks in real life so you won't have to worry about them during raids.  If you cannot for the most part stick to the 7 to 10 PM schedule then you should consider joining O Team.  Chat me in ventrilo if you feel you need to explain. 
New Partner Assignments
A Team
  •  Chenstout (Mattie) and Pigbawg (Julian)
  • Hidytwo (Ken) and Alala (Gary)
  • Bearlystrong (Ryann) and Mirandah (Mira)
  • Fistbumps (Caleb) and Blackrocks (Junior)
  • Tidesroyale and X
B Team
  • Bluze (JOe) and Arystania (Ary)
  • Shegrooves (Paul) and Rinzee (Eli)
  • Troxus (Tyler) and Mormogh (George)
  • Krendistus (Dillon), Playpenz (Bret) and Frieria (Eric)
* Officer names in green.

I hope many of you understand that all these initiatives are being taken to ensure our success and to promote team-building. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to chat myself or my officers.  I will also be implementing some fun, non-raid team-building events along the way that I'm sure will help boost morale and motivate everyone as we aspire to reach our Throne of Thunder gear check deadline of Thursday, April 18th.  I as well as the officers look forward to joining you for the partner assignment activities as well as raiding with you all in the weeks to come and helping you reach your full potential.  Cheers!



Protectors of the Endless:10M (Elite Order)

* This guide is for the elite order of boss kills, which will score us higher ilvl gear.

To join our guild for regular Terrace of Endless Springs raids, you must have an average item level of at least 485+ (absolutely no PvP gear). Raiding requirements can be found through the "raiding requirements" label on the left-hand side of the guild blog. I am providing you with two options to inform yourself on the strategy for Protectors of the Endless: by the video posted below or the notes included in the link below. If you opt to watch the video guide, be sure to take notes. If you'd rather read the strategy, here is the link:

Protectors of the Endless: 10M

Mists of Pandaria is a new challenge for Perpetual.  I would like for us to strive for excellence.  I will start to ensure that everyone does their fair share and informs themselves well on the strategy.  We are in a guild that promotes a team-oriented raiding atmosphere and it is only fair that everyone is well-informed.  Having to explain boss intel before fights takes up too much time.  If I find that people are not able to set aside some time and inform themselves on boss strategies, then we will skip the bosses people are uninformed on.  Please do your best to not let the team down; if we are all aiming at heroic progression then we need to be open to a little more responsibility and effort.

Gabestah's Guide

Tsulong: 10M

To join our guild for regular Terrace of Endless Springs raids, you must have an average item level of at least 485+ (absolutely no PvP gear). Raiding requirements can be found through the "raiding requirements" label on the left-hand side of the guild blog. I am providing you with two options to inform yourself on the strategy for Tsulong: by the video posted below or the notes included in the link below. If you opt to watch the video guide, be sure to take notes. If you'd rather read the strategy, here is the link:

Tsulong: 10M

Mists of Pandaria is a new challenge for Perpetual.  I would like for us to strive for excellence.  I will start to ensure that everyone does their fair share and informs themselves well on the strategy.  We are in a guild that promotes a team-oriented raiding atmosphere and it is only fair that everyone is well-informed.  Having to explain boss intel before fights takes up too much time.  If I find that people are not able to set aside some time and inform themselves on boss strategies, then we will skip the bosses people are uninformed on.  Please do your best to not let the team down; if we are all aiming at heroic progression then we need to be open to a little more responsibility and effort.

Gabestah's Guide

Lei Shi: 10M

To join our guild for regular Terrace of Endless Springs raids, you must have an average item level of at least 485+ (absolutely no PvP gear). Raiding requirements can be found through the "raiding requirements" label on the left-hand side of the guild blog. I am providing you with two options to inform yourself on the strategy for Lei Shi: by the video posted below or the notes included in the link below. If you opt to watch the video guide, be sure to take notes. If you'd rather read the strategy, here is the link:

Lei Shi: 10M

Mists of Pandaria is a new challenge for Perpetual.  I would like for us to strive for excellence.  I will start to ensure that everyone does their fair share and informs themselves well on the strategy.  We are in a guild that promotes a team-oriented raiding atmosphere and it is only fair that everyone is well-informed.  Having to explain boss intel before fights takes up too much time.  If I find that people are not able to set aside some time and inform themselves on boss strategies, then we will skip the bosses people are uninformed on.  Please do your best to not let the team down; if we are all aiming at heroic progression then we need to be open to a little more responsibility and effort.

Gabestah's Guide

Sha of Fear: 10M

To join our guild for regular Terrace of Endless Springs raids, you must have an average item level of at least 485+ (absolutely no PvP gear). Raiding requirements can be found through the "raiding requirements" label on the left-hand side of the guild blog. I am providing you with two options to inform yourself on the strategy for Sha of Fear: by the video posted below or the notes included in the link below. If you opt to watch the video guide, be sure to take notes. If you'd rather read the strategy, here is the link:

Sha of Fear: 10M

Mists of Pandaria is a new challenge for Perpetual.  I would like for us to strive for excellence.  I will start to ensure that everyone does their fair share and informs themselves well on the strategy.  We are in a guild that promotes a team-oriented raiding atmosphere and it is only fair that everyone is well-informed.  Having to explain boss intel before fights takes up too much time.  If I find that people are not able to set aside some time and inform themselves on boss strategies, then we will skip the bosses people are uninformed on.  Please do your best to not let the team down; if we are all aiming at heroic progression then we need to be open to a little more responsibility and effort.

Gabestah's Guide

Monday, March 18, 2013

Announcements 18 March 2013

"Bring it, Perpetual!" ~ Jin'rokh the Breaker 
 G'day, Perpetualeans.  We've received several new guild recruits these past two weeks since our guild has faction changed and server transferred.  If you are a brand new member to Perpetual, we are glad to have you!  Please refer to the Frequently Asked Questions blog post to help you get started.  I've also created a recent blog post just below this one explaining our guild rules just to make sure that everyone knows what we expect from you and what you should expect from our guild.  Now, on to announcements:

Prepping for Throne of Thunder

Next week will be the last week we do Mogu'shan Vaults to help get the new raid team members' feet wet in normal mode raids.  Starting Thursday the 28th and Sunday the 31st of this month (Game of Thrones premiers, plan accordingly!), we will start Heart of Fear progression and we're slated for the end of April to start doing normal modes for Terrace of Endless Springs and the first boss in Throne of Thunder.  What does this mean?  Start farming your valor!  Help each other through heroics and Isle of Thunder dailies and make sure to join the guildies for the weekly guild LFRs that Mirandah schedules (usually Tuesday evenings around 6:30 server, only I think these next two weeks she will be busy with wedding preparations).  I am trying to get our raid teams geared ASAP so we could start Throne of Thunder.  I propose to you the following gear check goals:
  • By Thursday, March 28th, we need everyone to be ilvl 475+ for Heart of Fear.  You must know all boss intel for HoF.
  • By Thursday, April 4th we need everyone to be ilvl 485+ for Terrace of Endless springs.  You must know all boss intel for ToES.
  • By Thursday, April 18th we need everyone to be ilvl 490+ for the first two bosses in Throne of Thunder. You must know boss intel for at least the first two bosses in ToT.
* I post all raid guides for raids we are currently progressing on this blog.  Simply click on the label "raid guides" on the left-hand side of the guild blog.  All boss guides are posted in descending order with the first boss at the very top and the final boss at the very bottom.

    In order to help reach these gear check goals, we will utilize a partner system.  I have randomly selected pairs in both raid teams (some of you will go solo until we fill empty raid team slots).  Effective immediately, you will each set aside some time in-game to help each other through heroics or Isle of Thunder dailies.  Even better, multiple pairs could team up to fulfill these tasks.  Already as guildies we should be grouping up to do these things, but I'd like you to place special emphasis on your partner.  Every time you meet them, ask them how their gear is looking or if they are improving their tanking, healing or deeps skills.  Help them out with whatever professions you have maxed.  We are a team-building guild after all, so this should not be too much to ask for.  I don't expect you two to get together every night of the week; I only ask that you two get together and plan at least one night where you two could get together and help each other out for a few hours.  At least once a week the two of you will meet with an officer in ventrilo (no mic required but it will make it heaps faster) to report your success: any gear upgrades? did you take the time to learn your rotation and achieve higher deeps? etc.  This meet with an officer should only be around two to three minutes, no more than five, so there should be no excuse to miss it.  Keep in mind I am only requiring this out of everyone because I am aiming for our success as a raiding guild.  I admit that team-building is not particularly easy because you are having to work with people of completely different play styles and personalities but I assure you it will be rewarding for the raid teams in the end.  I intentionally paired you up with someone that you're not very familiar with to make this a challenge worthwhile.  Posted below are the raid team partners.

    A Team Partners
    • Hidytwo (Ken) and Shegrooves (Paul)
    • Mirandah (Mira) and Zhulong (Patrick)
    • Thelduin (Murph) and Mathores (Tyler)
    • Pigbawg (Julian) and Chenstout (Mattie)
    • Tides and X
    B Team Partners
    •  Bluze (JOe) and Playpenz (Bret)
    • Habei (Jared) and Krendistus (Dillon)
    • Mormogh *or his warrior Ursid when 90* (George) and Troxus (Tyler)
    • Frieria (Eric) and Rinzee (Eli)
    • X and X
    O Team:  You could either group up with each other because your schedule doesn't allow you to be consistent with meets/raids or you also have the option to join any of the A and B Team partnerships––whatever is optimal for your schedule.

    * Also, please refer to our updated raid team rosters.

    Tides says we've to be team mates...Here's my flipper. Epic penguin buddies!
    * One more reminder as far as raiding goes: in order to ensure the success of our raids we will be doing weekly dummy trials (five minute deeps trials on dummies in Orgrimmar), random gear checks (especially modifications like enchants, gems, etc.) and random boss intel checks. I have looked our raid team members up on WoW armory and a couple of you have a few PvP gear pieces equipped.  I understand some of you may be using them because of the higher ilvl or you may have been having trouble gettting better PvE gear to drop –– I understand, I at one point have been rocking a pitiful ilvl 450 crafted PvE helmet and it took me over five months to get an upgrade.  But having any number of PvP gear pieces equipped for raids is very bad and I forbid it in our raids.  PvP gear is completely useless for raiding because you are giving up a very beneficial secondary stat for completely obsolete PvP power stat and resilience––these two stats do nothing for you when fighting dragons.  Please place special emphasis on replacing your PvP gear pieces first before the upcoming gear check deadlines if you wish to progress with our guild.  I aim to get as many of us prepped for Throne of Thunder but every one of us needs to make sure we are meeting raid requirements.

    Player verse Player

    Aside from raiding, we will ease our way into PvP action.  Effective immediately, anyone interested in gearing up for rated battlegrounds and arenas can join together on Saturdays starting at 6:30 PM server to help each other farm honor and gain experience on the battle field. Be sure to sign up through the in-game calendar.  For Sparta!